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With Halloween Around The Corner, Here Are 10 Random Costume Ideas That Won't Offend Anyone

For those not planning to offend or appropriate someone's culture this Halloween.

With Halloween Around The Corner, Here Are 10 Random Costume Ideas That Won't Offend Anyone

Halloween is coming soon and every time it's time for trick-or-treating, I see a few offensive costumes at the least. While you might think your costume is harmless, it's possible someone finds it offensive of you're appropriating someone's culture in some way. In order not to do this, here are ten wonderful costume ideas that are not offensive at all:

1. Mario and Luigi.


This idea is for the couples out there looking for costume ideas. Mario and Luigi, a classic video game we've all been playing since we were kids, is always a move for Halloween.

2. An adorable pumpkin!


Obviously, you might not have a dog to dress up for Halloween. If you do, it's a good idea to get them this costume because it's just too cute! You're also welcome to wear a pumpkin costume if you want, maybe even match with you're pup!

3. A fairy or nymph.


Fairy costumes give you the opportunity to get really creative here. You can go all out, as pictured, or keep it simple and wear a bright-colored dress. It's up to you but you certainly won't be offending anyone if you get crafty with it!

4. Any kind of superhero!


Let's face it, super heroes are freaking awesome and any chance to dress up as one is a blessing! It's great to be a super hero for Halloween, as long as you don't get carried away and try to fly with only a cape!

5. Any kind of food!


My personal favorite, food. Dressing up as food is fun, creative, and downright delicious! There are so many kinds of food out there, I wouldn't know where to begin!

6. Plants vs. Zombies.


A cute family idea! Plants vs. Zombies is a fun iPhone game, but more importantly, a fun group Halloween costume!

If you don't get the game reference, you can really be any plant for Halloween. Not offensive at all!

7. The cutest ladybug ever!


Look at that baby! Too cute! Whether you're 2 years old or 200 years old, you're never too old to wear a ladybug costume on Halloween! For that matter, dressing up as just about any insect would work. Get creative and bring out your inner centipede!

8. Something messy and bloody.


This is a really vague idea, but you get the point. Whether you're the result of a nuclear waste hazard or you actually tripped, fell, and got blood on your shirt, rock it! Halloween is all about blood, guts, and gore so there's lots of options here.

9. Cats, cats, cats!


This is the most cliche costume idea ever, but let's face it, cats are pretty innocent. Dressing up as a cat isn't going to hurt anyone's feelings, no matter how promiscuous you are.

10. Your classic ghost costume.


If you're just not feeling Halloween this year and you want to make a costume in under two minutes, a classic, go-to costume is the ghost. A ghost costume can be made from a white bed sheet in literally seconds and you won't be doing anyone harm. If you don't want to put in the effort but you still want candy, this one's for you!

Of course, there are plenty of great costume ideas out there that are truly harmless and won't offend anyone. These ideas are just to help you get started!

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