Love has become a figment of the imagination, sex is the newest universal currency and power is rewarded to the ones who simply survive instead of thrive in their communities. This is the new American way; a system created by the weak to mask that very weakness as leadership. These social pyramids that were sculpted with the blood and sweat of the working class Americans now stand so tall that the peak will even eclipse the light we strive for at the end of the tunnel. Not even through death can escape the hierarchy.
But, where is it encrypted within our DNA to 'de-evolutionize?' As a Social Darwinist, I embrace the idea of evolution through the socio-economic food chain. We should adapt to the technological times that we live in today, to the emotional hollowness we call “relationships” we’re in today and to the requirements of survival. However, when a society does nothing but adapt to the convenience of another’s solution, the social norm becomes the social law.
That's how we’ve gotten to a community where innovation outweighs hard work and image outweighs integrity. Not only have we accepted weakness within our culture, we celebrate it, worship it, and thirst for it.
Our nations aren’t led by the strongest as much as people who are given the tools to be the strongest candidates for leadership. In the hypothetical situation that, when given the proper necessary tools, anybody can lead, ultimately weakens us as a central unit. For example, in the recent X-Men film, (which is a huge socially-discriminative comic series, but I’ll talk about that another time), the reborn, god-like mutant named Apocalypse says, “You're lost because you follow blind leaders. These false gods, systems of the weak, they've ruined my world.”
These entities that we hold up to standards with Martin Luther King Jr., Theodore Roosevelt, and even Julius Caesar have never even tried to fill the shoes of leaders before them; but instead, for the sake of Imagery, rather stuff those same shoes with tissue until its assume that they fit. And it's our acceptance of these people that's destroyed our own evolution.
And if you think love in the 21st century is any different, then you're sadly mistaken. In most instances, just showing interest in someone else can be more political than actual politics. Instead of the old fashion way of showing affection, putting in the effort and creating a bond, todays society sees love as this game of wits; only to be won by the best player, we’ve taken out the one most important thing about relationship; emotion. The book, 48 Laws of Power explains this oddly enough with it’s 3rd law: “conceal your intentions.” It tells a story of a master seductress who keeps her prey by showing them just enough attention to keep them around but never too much, but the moment your intentions are revealed, the wonder that was your love will disappear.
We must be strong because the weak have taken over. The worst part about it all, is that to contend, you have to master the understanding of this weak system. Weak leaders have created weak systems to keep weak people in powerful positions. Break the chain.