The thought of children may not be in my near future, but there are certain things you think about doing once you have them. Everyone fantasizes about their future. While we play around with baby names, pets we want, or our dream house, there is one thing I am certain about. My children will be raised in church. I am not going to pretend to be the perfect Christian because I fail Him daily. There are times my faith could be stronger. But, I am a firm believer that good morals begin at home.
I was raised in church. I may have missed some, but I always knew my church family. Church is something that started as a routine, when I was younger I went, but didn’t truly understand. Every Sunday we would wake up to the smell of pancakes, get dressed for church, and then go to Granny’s for Sunday lunch. The rest of the day would be spent washing the car or hitting softballs in the front yard. It was a day of rest.
As I got older and started having to work on Sunday’s, I missed that time with my family. I would find that my faith had grown weaker. Quality family time is a virtue, after someone passes you miss that more than anything. And the same goes for your church family. I was raised in church and I strongly believe that is why I have strong beliefs. I do not want my children to feel forced, but instead I want them to understand why that time is so important. I want them to view church as a safe haven. I want to give them the same traditions I was given. I want them to see me as someone who is strong in their faith. Someone who believes in them as much as I believe in Him.