As most, every now and then I like to enjoy a nice bowl of cereal or two. My go to is usually Raisin Bran, to which myself and others call my self a grandma for liking. This got me thinking why is Raisin Bran considered an old persons cereal? Is it that its a bran based cereal? or is it that it has raisins? Or is it because any commercial for it I can't remember a kid being in it?
I think the answer to my questions lies somewhere behind all of my questions. It's a bran cereal which is obviously more keen to the older population. Let's face it, the community of people that actually love raisins is very small. And I'm actually not sure the last time I saw a Raisin Bran commercial. Naturally all these things add up to it being a less popular cereal choice.
Everyone has their favorite cereal, mine happens to be Raisin Bran. The next time you are looking to have a bowl but want a less sweet option compared to the more popular, try out a bowl of Raisin Bran.