Try To Raise Your Spirits For Just A Moment | The Odyssey Online
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Try To Raise Your Spirits For Just A Moment

We Can Take A Step Back For A Moment To Appreciate What Else Has Been Happening Around The World

Try To Raise Your Spirits For Just A Moment
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It truly has been a difficult week in the news with the Orlando Shooting and soul crushing developments in the Stanford Rape Case. While we must grieve the tragic attack on an essential portion of our culture and continue to fight against the immortal misogynistic nature of our laws, we can also take a step back for a moment to appreciate what else has been happening around the world.

1. The Toilet Paper Wedding Dresses

Every year Charmin and Cheap Chic Weddings hosts a competition to see who can design the most amazing and beautiful gown out of the one item that we usually use to wipe our bums. Shockingly, these dressed up rolls could make a statement on the runway. Here is the winning gown by Van Tran:

2. 22 pounds of Old, Irish, Bog Butter

Apparently, the discovery of 2,000 year old butter in Irish swamps is not uncommon. In both 2013 and this past week, turf cutters discovered a luxury good from a thousand year old society: butter. Due to CNN's witty humor we have this gem of a quote, "Despite bog butter being technically edible, researchers advise against eating it." Thank you, CNN. I am eternally grateful for your advice. Enjoy this picture of an extremely enthusiastic trio clutching a moldy mound of margarine:

3. Obama's distaste for giving a sh!t.

Now that we're nearing the end of Obama's democratic leadership in the United States and approaching the terrifying takeover of one of the most Twitter-influenced presidencies yet, we get to briefly enjoy a president who is genuinely speaking his mind. President Obama has sarcastically and cleverly responded to two different audience members: one about gun control and the other about the term, "Radical Islam." His witty responses are worth seeing every step of the way.

4. Origami Robot to save battery-swallowing children

MIT researchers have solved the issue of a child swallowing a battery every three hours in the United States. Who knew, right? With this handy robot, an ingested pill unfolds in the stomach and moves like a caterpillar to magnetize to these commonly swallowed batteries and painlessly remove them. Cool. Caterpillar origami robots to stop the possibility of evolution.

5. Monkeying around with the lights

In an ironic twist on humans usually ruining the day of local animals with pollution and overcrowding, a monkey took it upon himself to get a little bit of revenge. In Kenya, a monkey sacrificed his life (probably) to trip into a transformer and knock out the power for three hours. The company apologized for the power outage, but failed to address whether or not the spiteful monkey lost his life. Here's to hoping that it was worth it.

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