With a little less than a month left until finals, we are all trying to make the most of the last days we have this semester. We are all trying to raise our GPA and hope for the best, so we can pass this semester and eventually graduate. Here's the process we all go through to raise our GPA, with the help of some Friends.
You, unfortunately, have to ask that super smart and kinda scary kid in your class for their notes and if they would be willing to help tutor you. Their response? No.
So now you are forced to actually open the textbooks you bought back in August and attempt to make your own notes.
You immediately regret not trying in the beginning of the semester. Now you are stressed, tired, upset, and probably a little hungry. But mostly stressed.
STUDY BREAK! You decide the best option is to bring on the pizza!!
You go back to studying, cry a little, and decide the best solution is to just get rid of the professor who is not nice enough to just give you the A.
You call your parents, in hopes that they will side with you, and tell you everything will end up okay. You want them to tell you that everything is going to be fine, and that you deserve that A. Instead they let you know this is what "adulting" feels like.
You go to your professor's office hours, in hopes that you can convince them to give you some type of extra credit. It is the least they can do since you are a stressed college student. However, your professor just looks at you like you're stupid.
You leave office hours extremely disappointed, but you cannot show the world how much your insides are screaming so you just tell everyone that everything is okay.
You make up your mind and come to the conclusion that you will not be able to drop out of school and still afford the lifestyle you want, so you will just accept that this is not your semester and the next one will be better. At least you still have your looks!
The final comes around and you, by a miracle, pass the class with a C, and realize that annoying your professor actually worked and he passed you! Maybe it was the cramming you did right before the exam, but it was probably the annoyance that got you that C.![]()
Hey, it doesn't matter...as long as you pass the class!