April showers bring May flowers right? Except, it’s May already. Since we can’t control Mother Nature, and we shouldn’t try, here are a few things to do on one of those lazy rainy days:
1. Netflix and Chill
For those in a relationship, or those with fuck buddies, rainy days were invented for this. So please, knock each other’s socks off.
2. Study
For those who usually procrastinate and would find this weather an excuse to keep procrastinating, don’t. Maybe change it up a bit. Plus, finals week in coming up and you’ll thank yourself for getting a little bit ahead.
3. Binge Watch TV
Or, just lay in bed all day and catch up on all your favorite shows. No harm in that either.
4. Skip the gym
This may seem like a big mistake to some but missing one day at the gym, like going only one day, won’t change anything. It’s okay to miss a day, your body may even be asking you to.
5. Clean the house
Oh yeah,turn up the music and have fun putting everything back in its place.
6. Shop Online
To those who hustle hard for their money, it’s time to get yourself a gift for all the hard work done.
7. Read a book
Ahh, nothing like tea, rain, and a cozy book.
8. DIY Arts and Crafts
You know that new shelve you want to make? Or that new organizer you want to try and build? This is the perfect time for that.
9. Cook yourself a new meal
Whether you do this alone or with company, grab the wine and have some delicious fun.
10. Nap
Here’s to more rainy days!