10 Things To Do When it Rains | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things To Keep You Busy On A Rainy Day

A couple things to do to get your mind off the gloomy days!

10 Things To Keep You Busy On A Rainy Day

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If you are from Charleston, you know that hurricane season is approaching FAST. We have already experienced several days of rain and its sadly going to get worse from here. Since it has been raining more often in Charleston, I thought it would be nice to give a relevant article to get some ideas from because trust me... I know how boring it gets sitting inside all day while its been raining for a few days, its gets old so here are some ways to make it feel new:


GO TO WALMART... before its too late. While you may be reading this on a normal rainy day this still applies to you. I advise getting water and perishable food items first and most importantly- especially if hurricane season is approaching. Buttttt, also prepare for a rainy day by getting snacks!! Honestly anything, popcorn, chips, rice crsipie treats, chex mix, any of these sound perfect to go with a rainy day movie with some friends. All I'm saying is, make sure you get some snacks and drinks before hand or at least at some point because I highly doubt anyone wants to drive while its pouring....

Invest your time into something that has been on your mind

Have you been thinking of working on something creative?, or really just anything in general. I know personally ill say that I'm going to plan to do something and never actually sit down and do the actual deed.So, take this time to catch up with your own interest. Write, read, create, listen, draw, all of the above? and etc! Take all the boredom and turn it in to something good or productive that you have been meaning to get to whether that is something stemming from creativity or even boredom just by doing something as simple as laundry to occupy your time will make the rainy days go by a little easier love.

Read a book 

Have any favorite authors? Read a new book of theirs. Go find a book that sparks your interest or you could even FINALLY read that book that has been sitting on your shelf for over a year, yeah that one! Read that!

Start a new series

This could be through novels or even Netflix, I mean Stranger Things season three just came out... I'm already behind on that season so maybe we both should start over??? If you own Netflix or Hulu its super easy to find series to watch, watch something different and see if you like it! I mean it is raining so what else is there to do??? If you don't have access to Netflix or Hulu, you can always watch random series on TV as well and if you don't have a TV I would definitely recommend reading a new book, I know reading isn't the ideal definition of fun but if you find one you like it can be inspiring!!!!! Try it out!

Explore new music/new artist

Listen to a random playlist or radio, this is honestly how I have found some of my favorite artist! Its fun listening to different genres and hearing different styles is always nice. Look through Apple Musics radios for different genres as well as Spotify's, they have both been actually really helpful in finding new music which i love so you should try to too! Find your new favorite song, you'll thank me later :)

Work on school work

September is one of the worst months in Charleston in my opinion because of the constant downpour. Last year in September The College shut down and some of my friends that I met from out of state had to come and live with me for the week haha. It was definitely an experience and we definitely had our fair share of complete and utter boredom so much so that we started literally doing school work. Which is actually really smart because then when it was time to return for classes we were already finished and it was nice to have a stress free week after returning to class because there was a lot of chaos to say the least. But definitely do it if you have any, might as well eight? And then you wont have to worry about it later either!

Take a nap

Sleep passes time... enough said.

Go to the movies/mall/bowling

Perfect places to go when its raining: the movies, the shopping mall, and the bowling alley!! If it has been raining for a few days straight these places might be more crowded than usual but its worth getting out of the house for some fun and distraction. Charleston is known for its beautiful weather and beaches but sometimes when the weather isn't so great its good to do something else than going to the pool or beach, enjoy the AC and stay dry!

Paint your nails or do your makeup

Try out a new color you've been liking or try a new makeup look from youtube. Practice while having fun. When I paint my nails or do my makeup randomly for fun it reminds me of my childhood and its comforting for me so maybe it could be for you too! And I mean come on, who doesn't love trying a new look and it actually turning out cute!!

Play a board game

I cant explain to you how much I love board games. I may not be good at them but they always bring out endless laugh with friends and family. It gives you something to do that is actually fun and you get to bond with your friends and family while you do it!

I know that I get bored very easily, especially when I feel like there is "nothing to do" but in reality, there is always something to do! These are just a few things to keep you busy when its raining. I challenge you to be creative, find something new, fun, and fresh to keep the boredom blues away this hurricane season!

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