Everyone always says that rain makes you think about life. I mean, it’s true, and there’s no denying that as the rain pours down outside of your house all you can think about is who you are and what you’re doing. Rain has a way of making you feel sad, calm, clean and happy all at the same time. It has a way of calming you and soothing your soul. So, here are a couple of the top things you probably think about the most as the rain comes down outside.
Your future. Everyone thinks about this in the rain. It’s one of rain’s special powers to make you think an extraordinary amount about things that you already spend too much time on. As you sit there and think about your future and what it may or may not look like, breathe for a second and look around you. Tomorrow is never promised and what you have is here for today. The future will come and just like a rain drop falls precisely into place on the pavement, everything in your life will also always fall exactly where it may need to.
The boy or girl who wronged you. It’s inevitable that you’re going to think about it. No matter how many times you told yourself that you are never going to think about that person anymore, as you lay in your bed in the dark room it becomes increasingly difficult to not wonder about that person and what they’re doing and why you couldn’t make it work. Stop. Don’t think about it. Of course this is easier said than done, but you can’t let yourself fall into that pointless chase of wonder. Whatever happened has already happened. Remember that everything happens for a reason and there is nothing that you could’ve done to save a relationship that didn’t want saving. Just as the raindrop falls away from the cloud that formed it, you too have fallen away from something that has formed you to become a part of something bigger and better.
The way it sounds. Rain has a musical element. The way it gently falls onto the roof of your house in a rhythmic and almost harsh tone. As the thunder rolls through the night sky, we are reminded that as humans we are lucky enough to have the ability to hear rain, feel thunder and see lightning. The rain’s musical component is one of nature’s most simple way of talking to us. The sounds it makes are so pure and harmonious with the life that it surrounds. The more we listen to the rain as it joyfully falls unto the earth the easier we will find it to hear and see the smaller things in life.
Rain knows that it gives life, it knows that it was sent down to the earth to provide nourishment to the things that require it. Rain knows no judgement, hurt or anguish. It falls unto the things that need it most, so next time you see it begin to rain, do not shy away from the water, rather bathe in the soothing droplets that have fallen from the sky to cleanse you of your worries and fears.