What is Radical Self Love?
According to my new muse, Gala Darling, Radical Self Love (RSL) is knowing that you are not just alright, you are spectacular! She believes you can truly love yourself if you allow yourself to. You just have to step it up! Darling, is a living human just like the rest of us who suffered from more than just self-esteem issues. Now with a little help of RSL, she is radiating happiness and bringing it to those who truly need it.
How can you achieve RSL?
Gala Darling created a bunch of tools and techniques, all which she used to achieve RSL. From there she developed her own program, which helps teach women to fall in love with themselves. Even if they have had a terrible day and they feel down, RSL will help them get back up. She wants people to realize that they are more than just their job, education, and lifestyle. Darling, believes that you just have to walk the talk, and simply begin.
Where exactly should you begin?
Luckily for us, Gala Darling published a book dedicated to RSL. Let me tell you, it is literally the best thing I could have purchased! It really helps you discover yourself on every aspect and topic you could think of. This book also comes with a series of writing prompts for you to do on your own time. Each prompt targets specific topics as well. This book is something I actually open religiously. If you want to achieve RSL, I highly recommend this book!
Lastly, another way to achieve RSL is by taking Gala Darling's RSL Bible Course.
This is not your typical Bible, in fact this one is all about you! I am currently in the Radical Self Love Bible Course and I LOVE it! On every Sunday for 12 weeks you receive a prompt to do in your Radical Self Love Bible. For example, week one consisted of buying a blank journal and a bunch of arts and crafts supplies for decorating. This not only helps you love yourself, but you also get to really open your creative side! I highly recommend this course along with the book. Trust me, you will not regret it!