Whenever you go on social media you’re bound to see somebody talking about a hot topic issue and then there will be comments that will probably turn into a fight. I mean it seems nowadays we can’t state an opinion without fights being started and somebody’s feelings getting hurt. However, with all of the issues we will never truly agree, but you know it is good to open our eyes to other’s thoughts and experiences.
There are a few things that have been getting a lot of traction lately and I thought I would share my own opinions on them. There are many to choose from, but I might as well choose one that I know pretty well. However, I have to say that no matter how many words I write I will never be able to share all that I think on this matter.
Black Lives Matter.
I could talk about this subject for hours, but when I do, we tend to end up talking in circles. That is mostly because I am black, and I have seen racism first hand. The people I talk with don't see racism happening at all. I have had to deal with the fact that people will sometimes assume the worst in me because I just happen to be black. They assume that I was the first person to graduate in my family because black people aren’t as educated, and that because I am standing by the register at a store that I am going to rob them. This is only two examples out of many other things that have happened in the 20 years that I have been alive. Then I have to watch people at rallies say, "Black is good, but white is better." Really people? Do you not understand how racist and awful this is?
With shows like "Roots" coming out, reminding people of when the injustice started, it’s probably time I and others start saying something. Now isn't the time for people to continue to ignore what is going on in the world and the injustices happening in the black community. We cannot keep holding our tongues in fear that we are going to hurt step on toes or offend somebody.
I am also so tired of people hushing black people up with “All Lives Matter.” Yes, we understand that, but we are trying to bring awareness to this specific thing. The things that are being brought up have been happening too long and it is not at all right. Assumptions cannot be made about race and we can no longer and take it quietly. There are years of anger and bitterness built up and they are now getting shown to light.
It makes me laugh when people say that there is no more racism. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening. Then there are people trying to quiet it. That is not fair at all. Things will not be fixed if they are pushed aside and ignored. They have been ignored this whole time and racism is still happening. Yes, I understand that there are many people groups that are dealing with racism, but we cannot fix the whole world in a day. Things take time and when we fix one thing you learn the skills and steps necessary to fix the other problems.
However, I can't go on talking about this issue without stating that this movement has handled some things incorrectly. The rioting that leads to destruction on the street is not okay. We are proving a point that we don’t want proven. We should instead handle this with love and calm. It is never okay to threaten others or jump on stage. You and all that are advocating for this cause look like thugs. And then assuming that all white people are the problem is not the proper approach. With that we are doing exactly what we are complaining them of doing. Honestly our words will go towards deaf ears if we keep handling this in a way that shows just as much hate as we have received. We need to rise above.
Like I said before I can’t explain this as fully as I want because I would need a lot of hours to do that, but I do want a conversation to start. There will be those that think that I am totally off in what I am saying and will continue to say that there isn’t any racism in the world, that this movement needs to stop, and that we need to get over the past and move on. Well, I can tell you that the past will not and should not be forgotten especially with the injustice still going on and there is still a dire need of mending of relationships to be had. However, this needs to be handled in a more respectful way. This movement cannot run on hate and shoving beliefs down people’s throats. We need to share with love and hope and pray that people will start to see where we are coming from.