When I was younger I used to get bullied for not being the same color as my parents were. Kids would pick on me for not being white. It was so bad to where one day I came home crying to my mom about how nobody at school was being nice to me and they were making fun of me. My mom then proceeded to tell me something that would forever stick with me. She said, "baby, God loves everyone. No matter what those kids in your grade say to you. No matter what they say or can do to you that might knock you down, God still loves you. God loves people with pink and polka dotted skin. He loves girls that have red hair and sparkly bodies, men with green hair and striped blue bodies! God love everyone! So, when someone at school picks on you , you just tell them that your mom and dad are pink with yellow polka dots."
That has forever stuck with me because in this day and age people need to hear that.... and not just people that are my age; everyone.
Most people probably think, "She never has experienced racism because she's obviously brown," or "she's Indian, only black people can be treated in a racist manner."
You're wrong.
I might not be black.
I might not be African-American
But I am colored.
I am apart of the minority. The minority that America thinks is okay to abuse and judge. No, I haven't been questioned by a police officer or been in a life threatening situation, but I have been judged for my skin color.
I recently had an encounter where some old men were near me and they were talking about Trump on a tabloid they saw in the store and it had something about race on the front cover. The men proceeded to ask me if I had lived here my whole life, then who my parents were. It's like they didn't trust me. These people thought I was not worthy of this town. That me being colored is a problem. Then, they proceeded to talk bout cotton picking in front of me and asked if I had ever picked cotton. I was Furious. So, because I'm colored that means I have to pick cotton do justify who I am as a person? These men also told me that what was wrong with America was that people were coming in illegally, then proceeded to ask me if I was here legally. At the end of their conversation, they talked about how having other colors in America was wrong and the reason our country is so corrupt.
No sir that is not what is wrong with our country.
YOU are what is wrong with our country.
You judging me for the color I am and asking me irrelevant questions is why this country is like this.
My color does not determine who I am, who you are, or who someone else is. My worth and my character are determined through my heart and by God.
P.S. This great country was built on different backgrounds and people groups! That's why America is called the Great Melting Pot! Some of you need a history lesson because you obviously wouldn't be racist if you knew that we were built on different cultures ;)