"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." - Martin Luther King Jr.
This past week and these past few years in America have been challenging to say the least. Justice is categorized as racism, no one is safe in the streets, in their homes, or cars. I have been alive 18 years. For 18 years I have grown up around people who have a different color skin than I, whether it be because they are black, or because they are Hispanic, or Indian. When I was growing up I was friends with everyone! I was too young to know what Racism was, or how deep it truly was.
As I've gotten older, I've watched acts of racism happen all over the United States. Who ever knew it was so bad? I never thought it was this bad growing up. I have friends who are of a different skin color, nationality, or ethnic group. When I see what is happening across America right now, I am saddened. Truly I am. It is simply outrageous how AWFUL people in this country are! We're supposed to be the greatest country on Earth, But instead, we're being being beat out by Germany and Canada! I am disgusted with what America has turned out to be. I have always been so proud to call myself an American, but right now? I'm embarrassed. I'm embarrassed to say that I live in a country where everyone HATES each other because of skin color! It is sickening and upsetting beyond any level of comparison.
We've got white cops killing black men, black men killing white cops, rioting going on in the streets of so many States that it's becoming unsafe for us to even go outside without fear! We live in a country where we have the FREEDOM to go outside without being scared because of the brave men and women that go out EVERY. SINGLE. DAY and FIGHT and risk their lives for us to have that right! But yet, we're still stuck inside because It's unsafe to go outside in our own streets, with our own people!
This country, has some serious issues. We need to stick together! Not tear each other apart piece by piece because we share a different skin color! We need to not be afraid to speak up for what is right! Guess what isn't right? All of this PROTESTING and RIOTING. Everyone wants to make a big deal and burn down buildings in their own town because a black man was shot by a white cop and that's RACIST. But nobody seems to make a big deal about the EXECUTION STYLE SHOOTING of FIVE white cops by ONE black man! I am sick of it! And I am here to speak up!
We do not know what caused that cop to shoot that man before the video started rolling, We only know what the video and the media told us. Do you people honestly think a white cop just drives down the road and thinks "Oh hey! There goes a black man walking down the street, let me pull over and tackle him to the ground so I can shoot him because I'm racist." Cops shoot if they feel their lives are in immediate danger.. and obviously it seems like their lives, and everyone else's lives are too in danger. The media likes to take things and twist it around and make it this big thing and then the protesting starts, the riots starts, innocent cops are killed, people are hurt in the crossfire. All for what? To settle some kind of racial war? This is the time where America needs to band together and LOVE one another. This is the time where we need a Commander in Chief who doesn't take sides just because one skin color is supposedly treated worse than another skin color. This country was not founded on skin color and it definitely doesn't need to be separated by skin color. Black Lives Matter, White Lives Matter, ALL LIVES MATTER.
God bless America and God bless you all.