Imagine being at a cancer fundraiser and someone’s screaming “Other Diseases Matter Too”. Imagine calling the fire department because your house is burning and the firefighter responds “All other houses matter too”.
Do you guys acknowledge that how these incidents are obliterating a real crisis? We need to stop replying “All Lives Matter” when we say “Black Lives Matter”. According to Black Lives Matter website, “Black Lives Matter is a chapter-based national organization working for the validity of Black life...This is Not a Moment, but a Movement.” Black Lives Matter goal is to gain social equality through conveying attention to the injustices presence in the black community. Black Lives Matter is presenting the significant background that includes civil rights, many centuries of slavery, and brutality from America. Black Lives Matter shows the highlights about how the country historically, repeatedly ignored the value of black lives. Black Lives Matter hashtag is informing the world that brutality is more than black people vs white people issue. Black Lives Matter movement reveals to the world that black people are continuing getting killed with unjustifiable explanations from police officers. This issue shows how America is a racial profiling country and we’re still repeating history again and again. In my opinion, #AllLivesMatter was just created out of guilt from repeated ignored dehumanizing behavior toward black people. #AllLivesMatter damages the progress and awareness of a clear problem about who is privileged in this country. Privilege is exhibited in the white community through having such a prodigious relationship with the law enforcement.
Sociologist for Justice said it best "Instead of feeling protected by police, many African Americans are intimidated and live in daily fear that their children will face abuse, arrest, and death at the hands of police officers who may be acting on implicit biases or institutional policies based on stereotypes and assumptions of black criminality.” America possesses many problems, but racial profiling and police militarism are the biggest issues affecting our country on a personal level too frequently. We say #BlackLivesMatter, not #OnlyBlackLivesMatter. We’re focusing on the black lives because those are the lives being taken away too often. Dejerria Becton taught me that all lives matter especially if you are a child. Jonathan Ferrell taught me that all lives matter when I seek medical help. Rekia Boyd taught me that all lives when my back is turned. Eric Garner taught me all lives matter when I tell the police "I can't breathe." Michael Brown taught me all lives matter when I have my hands up. Sandra Bland taught me all lives matter when I am safe in police custody. Sarah Lee Circle Bear taught me all lives matter when I plead for help in custody. It’s an AllLivesMatter Rally; Location: Nowhere; When: Never; because All Lives Matter is just a Racially Insensitive Supremacist Interpretation that whine on social media when people want to care about BLACK LIVES.