Congratulations! You're a Resident Assistant! Whether this is your first year or third year, I'm sure these tips will help you have the best year ever with your residents!
1. Use Pinterest for EVERYTHING!!
This might sound a little repetitive but Pinterest is FULL of all different things that you might need while in the position. From door decs to programs to bulletin boards, Pinterest has you covered. Make a board with all of the ideas that you like. Feel free to take ideas from other peoples boards and run with them. Make them work with your residents.
2. Plan your programs early!
Depending on what the standards are at your school, I'm sure there is a date that you are supposed to have you proposed programs in for the next month. Take some time out of your busy week and just brainstorm a bunch of ideas. Find some programs that don't require a lot of supplies such as a movie night. You never know when you will need/want to have a program spur of the moment. Find some more in-depth programs for when you have some time to plan it out.
3. Get to know your residents.
You'll all be living with each other for the next ten months so it might be a good idea to get to know each other. Learn your residents habits and their likes and dislikes. This will be essential when planning programs and even knowing their norms can help tremendously.
4. Set boundaries with your residents.
You can definitely be friends with your residents but there definitely have to be boundaries in place. This line can become even more blurry when your residents are also your friends. If you need help setting these boundaries, talk to a veteran RA or your supervisor.
5. Learn to say no!
Know that this position requires you to work strange hours. You'll be asked to work even harder especially when the school year gets busy. Learn to say no to things that you cannot do like joining another club or going out with your friends. It can be hard at first but know that it will only help you become a better RA. There is nothing wrong with staying in to work on your homework or to even go to bed early.
6. Utilize your staff.
Trying to tackle an incident on your own and you're scared? Call a Co. Need a duty night to be covered because you're sicker than a dog? Call a Co. There are other RA's in the building who are willing to help you all the time; just give them a call.
7. Smile!
Fake it till you make it. If you don't know the answer to a question, don't leave them hanging. Smile and say that you'll find the answer and get back to them. You can't let them know that you're cracking under pressure. You need to be that strong person for them when they need someone to vent to or lean on for support. If you're having a bad day, just smile.
8. Remember to have fun!
Remember this is college! Do what makes you feel happy! This is the best four years of your life so don't forget to have fun and make memories. Just remember that at the end of the day, you're still an RA and you've still got responsibilities.
9. Don't neglect your academics!
You came to college to get a degree, don't forget that. Don't let your academics suffer because you're an RA. If you need to do homework while on duty, let your residents know that you need it to be quiet. If you have an exam the day after you're on duty, see if another RA can cover the tail end of duty so you can get some rest. Keep that line of communication open with your supervisor; they were once college students too and probably RA's as well.
10. Don't abuse your power!
Yes you're an RA and have the ability of writing people up but please don't abuse this power. Students will not take you seriously if you threaten to write them up; it doesn't phase them at all. You need to be calm, cool, and collected when dealing with incidents. By you raising your voice, it will cause the others to raise theirs too.