Ever have one of those days? You know the days that I am talking about. The type of days where you feel like you can’t get out of bed or the days you question everything that is happening around you. We all have days where we need peps talks and a little inspiration.
Personally, I have a little obsession with quotes. I feel that some quotes can help you through the toughest of times and often have hidden messages in them. So, here is a list of seven of my favorite quotes that will help you get through every day of the week.
1. “Everything happens for a reason.”
If you are having a bad day or something isn’t working out, don’t get discouraged. Most likely, there is a reason why you are in the place you are in. People and things are made in your life to test you.
2. “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”
Often times, people forget that other people have problems too. People are so quick to judge other people by the way they look or their actions, but they never take the time to think if there is a reason people are a specific way. Being kind to one another will make the world a better place.
3. “Just because you took longer than others, doesn’t mean you failed.”
People sometimes think that if they take longer to do something or watch someone complete the same task faster, they simply failed. This is definitely not the case. Take your time with things. If people rush with things, they can easily make mistakes.
4. “Treat others the way you want to be treated.”
The Golden Rule. If you want others to treat you kindly and with respect, treat others that way. If you want people to go out of their way for you, go out of your way for them. Don’t expect to be treated nicely if you can’t do the same in return.
5. “You're doing the best you can.”
Stop being so hard on yourself. If you studied hard for that exam or you tried to get yourself to socialize more and it didn’t turn out as planned, don’t put yourself down. Today you were one step closer than yesterday and tomorrow you will be one step closer to today.
6. “Everything will be okay.”
I feel like people often forget this quote. Everything might go wrong all at once, but life is going to be ok. You will be ok. Don’t think otherwise. Just believe in yourself even if it is the last thing you want to do.
7. “Tomorrow is a new day.”
This quote doesn’t necessarily mean to wait to do everything tomorrow. If today wasn’t the day you hoped for, there is always tomorrow and if tomorrow is not your day either, there is another tomorrow after that. Life is filled with tomorrows!