I promise you, these quotes will bring a little power and positivity to your everyday life. It is so essential to look back or have something on your rough days that will make you stronger, and I would have to say this definitely does that for me.
1. "If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased." - Katharine Hepburn
This quote really speaks volumes to me because at the end of the day, it is most important to make yourself happy. If you do this, it is all that really matters.
2. "There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure." - Paulo Coelho
I really love this quote and often find myself looking back at it because it is easy to go after anything as long as you are not scared to fail. The fear can often hold us back, but it is important to not let it.
3. "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way; if you don't, you'll find an excuse." - Jim Rohn
This quote is also super cool to me because if you really want to do something within your life, you will do whatever it takes to make sure that you get it done. Otherwise, you are just finding excuses and must not want it that badly.
4. "The greatest lesson of life is that you are responsible for your life." - Oprah Winfrey
I love this quote because only WE are in control as to how our life goes and what path we choose to follow. Although it is true that we cannot choose the things that happen to us, we can choose where we go from there.
5. "Obstacles are those things you see when you take your eyes off the goal." - Henry Ford
This quote goes out to all my go-getters. In life, when you have goals, nothing will deter you from being able to achieve them.
6. "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss, I will always be grateful for this quote! Life is too short to be anything other than yourself.
7. "There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure." - Colin Powell
Success is what we achieve when we work hard for it, and there are no secrets or special ways to get around it.
8. "Just remember: The people that say your dreams are impossible have already quit on theirs." - Grant Cardone
I love this quote because you should never let anyone stop you from living your life the way you deserve to!!!
9. "Wherever you are, be able there." - Jim Elliot
This quote is simple and that is probably why I love it so much, It is so important to just be in the moment in life because what comes before or after does not matter at that time.
10. "If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one." - Dolly Parton
Last but not least, it really is THAT simple. If you do not like the direction in which you are headed, then CHANGE. YOUR. DIRECTION. That's that.