It's no secret that we are our biggest critics. Looking in the mirror, it's easy to scrutinize any imperfection and the components that put us together. We'd never look at another person and tear down their appearance, personality or thoughts in the same way we may do to ourselves. While aspiring to become the person we envision ourselves becoming, we can forget to be kind in our thoughts and actions.
Comparing ourselves to others only complicates the equation as we stray from our ideals and dreams in attempt to emulate what others may be expecting of us. Choosing to be ourselves in a world obsessed with comparison is a brave action. The media we intake shows us just a few molds of physiques and personalities which we may not fit.
It's not as simple as matching a circle to a circle and a square to a square, and that is more than okay. What makes the world so wondrous is how unique each and every one of us is. Being different and standing out from the crowd may leave a bad taste in our mouth when all we want is to fit in and be accepted. Getting caught up in what others think of you can be daunting, but at the end of the day, how you feel about yourself is most important.
Getting to the destination of being not only okay with who we are and loving ourselves is not a linear path. It is truly a journey that many of us are still on. We are works in progress. The status of imperfection is something to be proud of. Perfection is simply an illusion, but self-love is as real as you are. Here are eight quotes to inspire you to love the person looking back at you in the mirror.
1. Buddha
Always know that you deserve the same love you offer the world.
2. Rupi Kaur
Becoming in touch with your mind and body is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
3. Oscar Wilde
Being yourself is the best thing you can be.
4. Maya Angelou
The true definition of success.
5. Gerard Way
Don't be afraid to showcase what makes you who you are.
6. Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is a journey of self-discovery.
7. Thich Nhat Hanh
How you feel about yourself is what's most important.
8. Brené Brown
Once we let go of the world's expectations of us, we can truly focus on who we are.