These are 10 of the quotes I like to use in my everyday life as a woman in this day in age.
Sometimes all you have energy for is to just be present. I have pretty bad anxiety and sometimes it takes all that I have to get out of bed and show up.
With that being said don't let old problems get you down, take life one day at a time everyday is a new day don't let your previous days issues ruin your brand new day.
Don't ever feel like you have to get ready to be beautiful for someone else. If you feel beautiful with a full face of make up then you wear a full face of make up, if you feel beautiful without any make up at all then don't wear any make up at all. You don't owe it to anyone to try to be beautiful under their terms of beauty.
It is perfectly okay to be happy with someone, but you have to be happy with yourself and on your own before you can truly be happy in a relationship. You can't put all of your happiness in someone else it has to come from within.
You can't look for someone to take care of you, just as you have to find happiness in yourself you need to be able to take care of yourself on your own. Fight your own battles and once you can do that look for someone to fight along side of you.
Quit comparing your life to everyone around you. Everyone has their own difficulties and you never know what is actually going on in their life, every picture posted is meant to be of their best times. They have their hard times too, no ones life is perfect everyone has their ups and downs it will be okay just keep pushing through.
You are so much more than just beautiful. You are intelligent and talented and kind and loving and there are so many other things to be than just beautiful.
Make sure to tell the people you love that you love them whenever you get the chance because you never know how long you have left with them. So take the time out of your day to tell you're loved ones that you love them.
You can always be that little girl, don't let anyone think you shouldn't chase your dreams. Always Always Always do what you love and never forget that little girl who believed she could do anything, because you can do anything you set your mind to if you want it bad enough.
You have to be willing to change to get where you want to go in life and that may mean losing people along the way. You have to be okay with changing and with leaving people behind because they came into your life for a reason and if they are no longer in it then they have served their purpose you will be okay without them.