If you think about it, we're pretty lucky. We're on the only planet in the universe that we know of that can support life. And we're alive. What a rare gift. Unfortunately, our lives do not promise us only good things. We also have to experience pain, grief, fear, anxiety. But I think it's worth it.
When I'm going through a difficult time, I like to fill my Pinterest board with quotes that remind me that no matter how much I might be suffering, I'm still lucky to have the life that I live. Today, I've compiled a short list of quotes that I hope will help you as you work through your own hard times:
Know that it's okay to feel the way that you do. It's okay to cry and it's okay to feel scared or angry. But no matter what your situation is, remember that you still have plenty of reasons to smile when you're ready.
I will forever be grateful for Mary Oliver's poem "The Uses of Sorrow." I came across it at a time when I was trying to make sense of my own experiences. Pain is something we're always trying to avoid, but it's also one of the most powerful learning tools. Take your time to recover, and don't push yourself to make sense of things right away. But when you do, remember to share your gift, whatever it may be, with the people around you.
...And remember you can handle much more than you think.
I've heard on more than one occasion that if you can get through the next ten seconds, and the next ten seconds after that, you can get through anything. Time will pass and this will too. Just do what you need to in order to make it through this moment.
Though it might seem like it at times, nobody has it easy. Some people suffer more than others, but everyone wrestles with their demons and has fought a fight you might not know anything about. For this reason:
Never allow your grief to make you treat other people cruelly. You don't have to pretend things are going wonderfully for you, but always treat the people around you with the respect they deserve.
It's an unfortunate thing when people wish for the downfall of other people. I think this is a learned trait rather than a natural one. We're taught that to be successful, others have to fail. Don't buy into that for a second. There might be people who are waiting for you to cave in. Don't give them that satisfaction. Allow your roots to grow deeper. Stand a little taller. Let them see you thrive where they never thought possible.
Few things kill a sense of peace faster than perfectionism. We're humans. We're supposed to be flawed. By all means, you should always be pursuing new ways to improve yourself, but never be afraid of your flaws. When you let go of the fear of failing, you might be surprised at how unlimited your potential is.
No matter what your challenge is in this moment, it has the potential to make you bitter, and it has the potential to make you stronger. Let this be an experience you can learn and grow from. You've got this. I'm rooting for you.