If you don’t watch the show Friends, shame on you. Not only is it the best show of all time, it is timeless. The ups and downs the six friends, from the beginning of the series to the 236th episode, are all life lessons people can still relate to.
In honor of this September being the 20th anniversary of Friends' debut on television, read these quotes and you will see how Friends has our everyday struggles down to a science. However, proceed with caution because you will, most likely, share my extremely biased opinion that Friends truly is the best show of all time and that the Writer’s Guild of America should kick themselves for only ranking it number 24 on their list of top 100 shows.
Monica: "Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it!"
this doesn’t perfectly sum up the whole of your existence, right now, then just
stop reading this article. Just kidding, but this quote pretty
much nails it. In the midst of all the chaos of living in the real world -- constantly studying, pinching pennies, and
desperately searching for employment -- we find ourselves loving every second of
the journey.
Chandler: "All right, kids,
I gotta get to work. If I don’t input those numbers -- it doesn’t make much of a
difference. "
anything we do in class ever make a difference? Will taking college
algebra really help me be a better journalism student? Will making it to my 8
a.m. every day ever get me hired? The world may never know.
Rachel: "Hey, Mon, look. I’m melting butter.!"
Monica: "That’s great,
Rach. You now have the cooking skills of a hot day."
If Rachel Green were a
college student in 2014, she would definitely be living on a ramen noodles diet. It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one who couldn’t
cook an edible piece of meat, even if my life depended on it.
Chandler: "I’m not so good
with the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?"
Sometimes, we all need to
take a step back and laugh at ourselves and the predicaments we find ourselves
in. You failed your micro econ test? So, what -- probably half of the class did, too. That’s what curves are for. You didn’t get the internship you applied
for? So what -- they probably gave it to someone who wanted it way more than you
did. We don’t need to take every problem so seriously. Sometimes we just
need a friend, like Chandler, to put it into perspective.
If you find yourself having a bad day, turn on an episode of Friends and turn your day around. Or, record them and have over 100 episodes to choose from.