Sometimes, life gets rough. We lose ourselves- amidst all the chaos, business, and craziness, we lose ourselves and don't even have time to pick up the pieces. This is why we have quotes. These small, one or two sentences of poetry, inspire us and remind us why we started - and why we have to finish.
1. "If you want to get something that you've never had, then you need to do something that you've never done."
How do you expect yourself to live your best life when you continuously live in the same old routine over and over again? If you want to reach a new goal, you're going to have to go through a new process- and it will probably be more difficult than your usual one. But-that's what makes it so worth it.
2. "The PAST is where you learned the lesson. The FUTURE is where you apply the lesson. Don't give up in the MIDDLE."
I just saw this quote for the first time, which is crazy for me because I thought that I have seen every single inspirational quote that there is. But upon reading this, i felt a sort of epiphany. Isn't it so true? The middle is the toughest time to deal with, because you have to get used to a mistake that you have made or a lesson that you have learned, and you have to figure out how you are going to handle it. Will you let it destroy you, or build you up? Are you going to rise or fall? It's up to you how you decide to deal with the situation, but make sure that you don't lose yourself in the middle. I know that it's a tough time, but tough times reveal our true colors.
3. "If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place." -Nora Roberts
This quote is so relative because it teaches us that sometimes we need to create our own sunshine and reach out for our dreams and grab them instead of letting them just come to us. Because if we wait, who knows what will happen? Will we achieve them? And imagine all of the time that passes- it could have been spent doing what we love- our dream. You may think that you're being annoying, overly persistent, obnoxious- but don't think that way. When you want something, stop at nothing until you get it. And if someone doesn't believe that you deserve it- you have to prove that you do.
4. "Take every chance that you get in life, because some things only happen once." -Karen Gibbs
Take every single chance and opportunity. The thing with some mistakes is that as much as they suck, well, what if we never made those decisions and we lived our lives never knowing what would have happened had we did make them? Mistakes occur for a reason- we need them to teach us, build us, and inspire us to make better decisions. As much as I believe in creating our own destinies, I do believe that mistakes are a necessary and important part of life that totally happen for a reason and can teach us so much in the end. After all, how boring would life be if every decision that we made was a good one?
5. "What other people think of you is none of your business." - Paula Coelho
What others think of it truly does not matter. Think about it- there's no reason to stop us from living life without hearing others opinion of ourselves. I mean, what's the point? Unless other's opinions are positive and help inspire and build us up, negative outside opinions are totally unnecessary and pointless. We don't need them. So why do we listen to them?
6. "A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms."
​Truly confident people don't worry about what other people around them are doing. They simply carry themselves confidently and beautifully, succeed, live fearlessly and without worries, and believe in themselves while dishing out love to others, and making them believe in themselves, too. Confidence is such a beautiful characteristic because when somebody embodies it, they share it with everyone around them, radiating a positive vibe to everyone in their vicinity.
7. "Do what is right, not what is easy."
This one speaks for itself.
8. "Never be afraid to fall apart because it is an opportunity to rebuild yourself the way you wish you had been all along." - Rae Smith
Falling apart can mean two things- falling or rising. You decide. You can build yourself up to the skies, or you can knock yourself down to the ground. Whatever happens is totally up to you and each scenario is well within your reach. It's all about your mindset as a person.
9. Confidence is not "They will like me." Confidence is "I'll be fine if they don't."
Another favorite quote of mine which relates to this is that quote, "You have enemies? Good-it means you stood up for something you believe in at some point in your life." Enemies are not a bad thing. Not everyone is going to agree with you. And why would we all even want to reach unanimous perfect union? How boring is that? I remember one time, when I was laying down on my living room couch, my best friend Zoe had the TV show 'Adventure Time' on, which was her absolute favorite. The main character, if I remember correctly, brought up this really important, philosophical, viewpoint on perfection in society. What's the point of life if everything is perfect? We have life because we want to fight for happiness, our idea of 'perfection.' Perfection does not really exist- it's whatever we want it to be. We live for happiness and our idea of a 'perfect' life. It's okay, no, more like, it is awesome to have flaws and disagreements. We don't need perfect. We just need happy. You don't need to be loved by everyone- just those that you love most in this world.
10. "Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody."
These are the best types of people.
And remember this last, final quote, although there are so many absolutely, incredibly breath-taking ones that you can find in the world.
"Here are three rules for life.
1. If you do not go after what you want, you will NEVER have it.
2. If you don't ask, the answer will ALWAYS be NO.
3. If you do not step forward, you will ALWAYS be in the same place."
You have one, single life. You have got to make the most of it. Don't waste your days. Be grateful for every single one and savor them, because they melt away as quickly as they came. Live fearlessly with no regrets. Let your mistakes build you, not destroy you. This is what I live by; at the end of my life, I want to look back and think to myself, "Wow, I lived an amazing life." I choose to live believing my mistakes happened for a reason. Today's mistakes will create tomorrows strength. Believe that and you will never, ever lose hope.