Girls wake up to comparisons and judgments every single day. We turn on our phones and see pictures of our versions of flawless and gorgeous. We look in the mirror and pinch our fat and gaze at our pores. We pay hundreds of dollars to try to achieve the beauty we envision and spend more money when that doesn’t work. Our lives are spent wanting this and wanting that and wishing we could be like her.
So the next time you wake up with the comparison attitude, stop and think about these quotes, and remind yourself that you were made beautiful. You were made in His image.
Let’s stop the comparison here.
1. Altogether beautiful
God specifically calls us beautiful multiple times in the Bible. He sees us as the most precious thing and I have a feeling He wouldn't like us putting ourselves down.
2. Rather be
George MacDonald put the right words together in this quote of his. What God has chosen you to be is more beautiful and spectacular than you could have ever envisioned.
3. Save me from myself.
It's true, we are our own worst enemy. God loves us and strives to protect us every day. He is there for us when we aren't even there for ourselves.
4. My worth
You are literally God's child. Your worth is found in Him, not in this earth, and certainly not in an Instagram picture.
5. One day...
One day these things won't matter. These problems and issues and the tears you've cried will all be gone. And what's left? God. He is the only constant in all of our crazy lives.
6. I didn't ask...
God made us in HIS image. We are all made uniquely and for a reason. Never doubt that. Or criticize the painter's masterpiece.
7. My Princess
A beautiful letter from God to you. In His eyes, you are His princess. He is always with you and will never leave you.
8. Crush him.
The enemy strives for us to compare ourselves and be in despair when we don't match up to the worldly expectations. He loves it when that happens, and gains power off of it. Always remember that God is always sovereign and will crush the enemy with His feet. His words are power.
9. Revive
A perfect prayer to say when you are feeling down on yourself.
10. Peace of Christ
Directly from God to you, words of wisdom right here.
11. For a purpose
God looked at the world and thought, "man, the world could really use one of (insert name here)".
12. You were made in His image.
God makes no mistakes, therefore you are beautiful and no one can tell you otherwise.
As you wake up tomorrow, remember these quotes. Print them out, write them down, sticky them all over your mirror, because the enemy will try to break you. You just must remember what YOU are to GOD.
His precious, beautiful, child.