When Did We Start Skipping Thanksgiving? | The Odyssey Online
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When Did We Start Skipping Thanksgiving?

It's time to stop going straight from spooky to Santa and skipping the stuffing.

When Did We Start Skipping Thanksgiving?
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It seems to be a trend that people immediately skip to Christmas after Halloween. All the decorations are suddenly nothing but Christmas Trees, Santa, elves, and reindeer. From spooky to Santa with no second thoughts. I just have one very large issue with that. You are skipping the BEST holiday of the entire year.

We all have our favorite holiday. Some love Christmas because endless gift giving. Some love New Years because it’s an excuse to drink and make useless resolutions. Others love Halloween because you can do dramatic costumes and make up. While I love all of these holidays, none bring me joy comparable to what I feel (in my stomach) when I step into my aunt’s house on that crisp, Thursday afternoon and smell the perfection that is our Thanksgiving Feast.

For those of us who think mostly with our stomachs, this is our time to shine. We thrive with the buffet-style, pot-luck dinners. You gather together with your family, to give thanks and inhale copious amounts of stuffing and pie. Does it get any better than that?

The answer is no.

It simply does NOT.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the food that comes with Christmas time. The breakfast casserole on Christmas morning, the honey-baked ham Christmas eve, and the candy canes all through December. They are delicious. But just take a moment to remember how much more we are given on Thanksgiving.

Turkey. Corn pudding. Stuffing. MASHED POTATOES. Endless casseroles. Apple pie. Cherry pie. Pumpkin pie. Graham cracker cream pie.

If the holiday with the most pie selections isn’t your favorite, then there has to be something wrong with you. Or you are one of the people that skips this sacred day. And you are what is wrong with our world today.

Not really. But you might want to rethink some aspects of your life.

Now, I understand that there is more to each holiday than just the food. Which is another reason we should all love Thanksgiving. Not only is it a time to gather and devour all the most delish meal of the year, but we get to do so with the people we love. Thanksgiving is a time to be with your family and give thanks for everything in your life.

Right now, we need Thanksgiving. We need a time to step back and be thankful for our family, friends and freedom. Honestly, we always need this. Nowadays, we get so caught up in life and our busy schedules that we forget to take a break and think about what really matters. So this Thanksgiving, take a minute to stuff your face. Take a minute to breathe.

Take a minute to be thankful.

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