Our generation is embarrassing. We expect hook-up culture to lead to romance, consider "Woman Crush Wednesdays" on Instagram romantic, and call boyfriends who treat their girlfriends well "whipped." As a 19-year-old girl, I do not understand this.
I was raised by a mother and father who thankfully showed me what I deserve. I know that I deserve more than a silly post on Instagram. I deserve more than being accepted as desirable on a dating (hook-up) app. I deserve more than a boy crudely joking with his friends about me. So do you.
In today's society, young men can rarely do anything for their girlfriends without being called "whipped." The fact that our generation has actively chosen to consider bringing one's girlfriend a cup of coffee in the morning or walking her home in the dark a bad thing is, frankly, pathetic. It does not matter if you're only joking to mess around with your friend -- you repeatedly making a mockery of another's respect for his significant other will likely deter him from treating his girlfriend how she should be treated. That's sad.
Romance truly is dead. Kids become so absorbed in social media and whatever "relationship goals" they see on their Twitter feeds that they do not know how to realistically grab a person's attention and develop a relationship with them. If you're lucky enough to find a boy who wants to do something nice for you, beware: He will immediately be made fun for doing so. As a result, you'll feel crazy for wanting him to do these things for you. But who cares? As long as he's not whipped, life's great. That is our generation.
Divorce and cheating rates are on the rise because it is no longer "cool" to treat your significant other with respect and be wholeheartedly committed to him or her. Here's a little life lesson: When you are in a relationship, you willingly do nice things for your boyfriend or girlfriend. Boys, if your guy friends call you "whipped" for this, what do you care? Chances are these guys aren't in relationships themselves -- hint, hint. And ladies, if you do sweet things for your boyfriend and you're called "crazy" or "clingy" for this, please understand that you are not either of those things. Surprising one another every now and then or simply taking care of each other is in no way a negative thing. Do not let our generation convince you it is.
At the end of the day, if someone in a relationship does not feel special every now and then, they're going to leave -- and rightfully so.
I'm an independent girl. I can do and buy things for myself -- that's not my point. I do, however, deserve to be treated with respect, and I absolutely refuse to settle for anything less. If a boy thinks treating me well is an embarrassment, I'll be out the door in ten seconds. And so should you.
Be chivalrous. Treat the person you've chosen to be with the way they deserve to be treated. Do not talk about your girlfriend in a disgusting way behind her back. Do not make her feel inferior by chatting about other girls. Do not seek reward for doing nice things for her. And do not, do not, do not settle to our generation's standards of romance.