11 Ways To Quickly Strengthen Your Immune System | The Odyssey Online
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11 Ways To Quickly Strengthen Your Immune System

How to break the pattern of being sick ASAP

11 Ways To Quickly Strengthen Your Immune System

I used to think of myself as a relatively healthy person. I barely missed any school, I only got the occasional winter cold, nothing crazy. Coming up to college has taken a major toll on my immune system. With all the stress from classes and colds and germs going around from everyone around you, you’re destined to get sick. Unfortunately I’ve gotten sick more often than not, so here are a few tips that I’ve been incorporating into my life everyday to try and strengthen my immune system. If you find yourself in my position, or are just looking to stay on the safe side, I encourage you to try out these tips

1. Take immunity support vitamins!

I currently take the One A Day Adult Immunity Support Multivitamin, and they have it all. And the best part is they taste just like fruit snacks and are inexpensive!

2. Make sure you are eating enough fruits and vegetables

We all know that we should be eating fruits and veggies for a number of reasons, but upping your intake of these natural foods will help your body out a lot. I try to have at least one a day (even though I haven’t been very great with that lately (sorry mom)). But hey, I’m trying!

3. To go along with that, don’t eat a bunch of junk food either

Trust me, I love potato chips and popcorn and candy and all of the foods that won’t go bad for months, but think about how that’s affecting your body. You can still have them but try to eat it in moderation

4. Make sure to drink your orange juice

Ever since I was young, my dad was always a stickler for making sure we drank our orange juice. Now I don’t know if his theory is supported, but you get extra vitamin C which definitely can’t hurt.

5. Try to exercise as much as possible

I hate going to the gym just as much as the next person, but every time I end up at the doctor, they tell me to exercise if I can. When you exercise, you release Endorphins which reduce your perception of pain and trigger a positive feeling in the body. So not only will you be doing good for your immune system but you’ll feel accomplished and (hopefully) not as sick too.

6. Schedule out your week

If you have a lot of work, tests, or upcoming events, try to schedule it out. This helps so you can visualize all you have to do. This way you won’t forget, and it won’t seem like you have as much to do. It’s also really satisfying to cross things off once you do them.

7. Set aside time to destress

Stress has been shown to lower your immune system, so it’s important to try and stress as little as possible. Easier said than done, I know, but by setting some time aside either in the morning or at night to do something that relaxes you, chances are you’ll see a difference and feel more energized and ready to tackle all that you have to do. For this I try to listen to music, do yoga, make art, etc. Do whatever works for you!

8. Get enough sleep

Sleep is so important when it comes to our health for so many reasons. How are you supposed to be energized and ready to tackle all of your tasks if you’re basically falling asleep? Try to get to bed at a reasonable hour--and don’t scroll on your phone for a long time either! Sleep is so important, especially when you’re feeling run down.

9. Drink tons of water

I’m definitely the worst when it comes to making sure I drink enough water throughout the day, but it’s so important to make sure that you drink enough. If you have a reusable water bottle, sometimes they have a scale on the side, which is awesome for tracking how much you have throughout the day (plus they’re great for the environment). Whether it’s water or fruit juice, try to drink anything that is low in sugar and doesn’t have a bunch of ingredients. The less, the better.

10. Get in the sun!

If you’re like me and love the sun, and actually happen to be vitamin D deficient, the sun almost always helps make you feel better. Make sure to put on some sunscreen if it’s strong, but let the sun warm you up, and help make you feel a little bit stronger and make you feel more optimistic.

11. Do things that make you happy

They say that laughter is the best medicine, but so is doing things that make you happy. School is a stressful time for everyone, but at the end of the day, it’s not worth it to stress over one exam, there will be others. Do the things that make you smile, it’s worth it I promise.

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