I guess this is the time of year when everyone writes about why they are thankful. I’m thankful for a whole lot of people, things, places, and experiences. I’m trying to write this article in a non-stop fashion so please forgive thoughts that are scattered or awry.
First, I think I am thankful for my biggest supports: my girlfriend and my brother. We are the three amigos. Without them, I think I would be at risk for being a total wreck. Second, I’m thankful for the city of Portsmouth, NH. For a long time, it has been the place where I loved to hang out; but over the course of the last two years I have had the privilege of being a part of the Portsmouth community through my job. The townspeople, my coworkers, people passing through have all become integral to my life. Third, I am thankful for all the friends in my life. You are all amazing; especially because I am not always a good friend. I keep myself buried up to my neck in stuff to do so hanging out, frequent check-ins, and other things that friends do are not always on my schedule. Thank you all for caring about me anyway. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it.
Okay I have to keep writing and I feel like I covered a lot already. The idea of a “quickwrite” is to keep pen to paper (or in this case, fingers to keyboard) to keep ideas flowing. It’s an exercise, and yes I’m sweating. Fourth, I am thankful for my experience. I am thankful for where I am and who I am. I would not trade a second of my life away for anything. I firmly believe that I am a summation of my parts and experiences, and I like that. Fifth, I am thankful that I learned to love from one of the greatest men to ever be. My grandfather was the best friend that anyone could have ever asked for. He was the kindest, gentlest, most genuine person, and I am more than honored to bear his likeness to some degree. He will always be my mentor and advisor.
Sixth, I am thankful for the opportunity to learn from all of the amazing staff at the University of New Hampshire, Coe-Brown Northwood Academy, and Strafford School. Teachers, principals, headmasters, professors, and other staff members have all been formative in my educational journey. Many of them have touched me in such a way that I cannot fully repay or thank them for, though I’ll try. A few of them have changed my life forever; their guidance, love, and passions have transcended the classroom. Their personalities will forever stain the fibers of my soul. Seventh, I am thankful for my career path. I am thankful that I am being given the opportunity to pass the torch of love, care, and education on to my students. I hope that over my education career, I can know that I impacted the life of just one student. That would make it all worthwhile. I think I have covered all the big ones. I have likely forgotten a lot, and for that I apologize but forgetting is a common occurrence of mine. The nature of this quickwrite exercise was to capture my thoughts and ideas and craziness and goals and wants and needs and at this moment in time. Maybe it’ll be useful to me somewhere down the line.