Being overloaded is stressful plain and simple. Many times, it can be hard to deal with everything you have to do when you are overwhelmed. These are 5 simple things you can do to reduce anxiety, improve focus, get organized, and get things done.
1. Take a coffee break
Sometimes you just need a break. You need a change of environment to make you feel like you can function again. When you have so much on your mind, and so much on your plate, it is easy to get stuck in your mindset and start feeling hopeless, or start getting stressed out. Many times, getting your mind off of everything you have to do, gives you the fuel to get it done.
2. Let it out
It's easy to get overwhelmed when everything is bottled up in your head. You can try to sort through everything that's on your mind by yourself, but it's so much easier to unload it on someone else. Just talking about what you have to do out loud makes it easier for you to process everything and organize your thoughts. In your head, you're thinking, I have so much to do, I am so stressed out, there is no way I am going to get everything done. But when you talk it out with someone, or even just to yourself, you can assess everything differently, start to prioritize, and start making moves.
3. Clean
This might not be true for everyone, but for many people, an unorganized environment makes for an unorganized mind. There is something about sitting down at a freshly cleaned desk that makes you actually want to get work done. Having everything in some sort of order will reduce your anxiety, and improve your focus. Tidying your work area can give you the mental cleanse you need to get things done.
4. Make a list
I am a serial lister, and I am a firm believer that listing can be the most satisfying way to clear your head. Much like talking out what's on your mind, making a list is a great way to get everything out on paper so that you can individually process all the different things stressing you out. Lists allow you to select and prioritize when you are facing an information overload. When you make a list, you are not only mapping out what you have to do; you're also going to be able to see your progress as you check things off. Being able to track that progress is great for keeping your head together, and is great as a motivator.
5. Start to schedule
Once you know what you have to accomplish, make a plan for when and how you're going to get after it. This the first step in checking off boxes on your list. Make appointments, set up study dates, set aside time to work, and time for unwinding too. Mapping things out can help you manage your time, and having a schedule to stick to will keep you on track. Hopefully, when you establish a timeline, you won't be as overwhelmed, and you will be able to tackle everything you have to face.