Have you ever looked at someone and said, "Wow, that person took NO time to get ready."?
Or have you been on the receiving end of those looks and comments? If you've ever felt those whispers behind your back then you probably want to shout at them and say, "I DIDN'T HAVE TIME!"
I understand this feeling all too well and even on my most hectic mornings, if I could find a couple of minutes, then I would do these easy five things just to make myself look more prepared for the workday.
1. Wash your face and moisturize.
This may seem so basic but if you do it every morning for the rest of your life, then getting acne breakouts will become less likely and your skin will look clean and refreshed.
With the addition of moisturizing your face, wrinkles will also be less likely.
*Pro Tip: My mother told me at a very young age that every time I moisturize my face, spread some down to your neck and moisturize it because no one wants a wrinkly neck when they're older.*
Products I Recommend:
-Neutrogena All-in-1 Acne Wash
All of these products are tested by myself and many members of my family and friends. I have nothing but great reviews to offer these products! Click the link and it'll bring you to their Amazon page or get them for cheap at Walmart.
2. Do something with your hair.
It doesn't matter what you do to your hair... Just do something!
Whenever I'm busy and rushed, pulling it into a quick bun using one of those products like Bun-Ease or Sophist-o-Twist is a cute look with minimal effort. I get so many compliments with my hair in a bun, or even a ponytail, rather than on the days I spend an hour on it!
Another thing you can do to make your hair beautiful is treating it with Argan Oil so it shines and is fuller.There are many Argan Oil products, like; shampoos, conditioners, heat protectors, hair masks, and more. But if you want to get started using Argan Oil, then I recommend this Shampoo and Conditioner Set.
3. Add minor accessories.
Such a simple step to getting ready but so many women forget about jewelry! Nearly every woman has a few necklaces, earrings, and bracelets in her stash somewhere... Don't let that money you spent go to waste.
Simply pick two out of the three so you don't overdo it, and if you want to wear a ring then go for it but if you're married then you should be set. Don't overthink it in the morning or else you'll forget to add accessories. Just plan ahead!
Pick out your jewelry for the week when you have some free time, even if it's the same pieces being rotated. Then set it near the door so you don't forget it on the way out.
If you're looking for a way to organize your jewelry, then get a Jewelry Organizer that you can place near your bedroom door!
4. Dress to impress yourself.
Probably the most important part of getting ready in the morning... If you leave without this then you should probably consult a doctor and not be reading this article. Just kidding! (Well, kind of.)
But truthfully this is a very important step because what you wear reflects you. Be true to yourself and your passion, and then your "style" will find you. When you go out shopping, pick out what you want to wear and try it on! Nothing is holding you back but yourself.
If what you try on doesn't work out then go on to the next item! Don't give up.
5. Eat a nutritious breakfast.
Yes, I know it's very cliche for me to be telling you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You must hear it from everybody; doctors, friends, family, coworkers, the news... Well, there's a reason for that.
It's because IT'S TRUE!
I know, shocker. But I'm not here to pester you about eating a full, balanced breakfast that includes protein, carbs, vitamins, etc.
There's a very easy way to get a healthy breakfast without slaving over the stove for a decent chunk of your morning and also without eating prepackaged foods. This is even something your whole family can enjoy if given a chance!
And this thing is protein shakes and smoothies!
Shakes are getting more and more popular as the days pass. Personally, I'm a bit picky when it comes to the protein shakes that I enjoy.
If protein shakes aren't your thing either, then try smoothies! They can take a little longer than a shake but not by much and I'll show you a neat trick I learned to save even more time.
Smoothies are great for those who don't want the same, repetitive breakfast each morning. You can have chocolate and fruit smoothies, green smoothies, 100% fruit smoothies... And the list goes on.
So what's my super secret, special tip for smoothies?
Well, if you make a bunch of smoothies in advanced, then you can pour them into ice cube trays and store them in the freezer. So the next time you want a smoothie, plop a few cubes into a cup and let it sit on the counter for a little while. They melt quickly and also stay cool for a long time. So if you don't get to drink your smoothie before leaving the house, you can easily have it at work and it will still taste fresh!
These tips and tricks will help give you the appearance that you actually gave time and effort into your morning routine, when in reality you could roll out of bed and do these things to still look gorgeous!