Split Ends
Don’t have time to make a hair appointment for that wedding you have to go to on Friday? Well listen up! Go to the store a grab a few large avocados. Throw the pit and the skin of the avocado away, and mash the remainder of the avocado (just the green part), until it is paste like. Rub the paste throughout your hair, but pay extra attention to your ends. Leave the avocado in for 30 minutes, then shampoo and condition as normal. Avocados have natural oils that merge the split ends together for a few extra washes.
Rough, Flakey Skin
You have to leave for class in an hour, but your skin is extra dry today. Go down into your kitchen and grab a box of sea salt. In the shower rub the salt into your skin, rinse, then moisturize. Sea salt opens your pores, and leaves the skin with a greater ability to absorb moisture. The crystals of the sea salt exfoliate skin and scrub off all the dead skin cells. However, sea salt is more effective than table salt because the sea salt crystals are thicker than table salt.
Bad Dye Job
You tried and failed at semi-permanent hair dye. If it’s been less than 48 hours, hears a good trick. Apply a hot oil treatment to your hair. To make a hot oil treatment combine two parts canola oil and one part hot water. Apply the treatment to your hair as you would with shampoo. Leave the mixture in your hair for five minutes, then shampoo your hair twice with dandruff shampoo. The color might not be complete gone, but it will fade quicker to your natural hair color. This only works with semi-permanent dye though because this type of dye is made to wash out eventually. The hot oil loosens the color pigment, while the dandruff shampoo bonds to the hair dye and washes it out while rinsing.
Stinky Feet
You really want to wear your new pair of sandals today, but your nicest soap is not getting rid of your stinky smell coming off your feet. Get a large bowl of warm water, and mix in three tablespoons of baking soda. Soak your feet in the mixture for 30 minutes. In chemistry you probably learned that if an acid and a base are combined, they react to form water and salt. Organic acids in your feet cause foot odor, while baking soda is a very mild base. When the two are combined, you end up with water and salt, which both have no odor.
Incoming Zits
School pictures are in two days and you woke up with a giant pimple on your cheek. Take a cotton ball and moisten it with over the counter eye drops, then hold the cotton ball on the zit for a few minutes. The zit will not disappear, but the redness will decrease. Eye drops shrink hyperactive blood cells in the eyes, meaning that the inflammation surrounding that volcano on your cheek will meet it’s match.
Hide the Hickey
As great as neck kisses feel, your mom in not going to be happy when she comes home from work to see her daughter with a fat hickey on her neck from some boy. As you could just wear a scarf or a turtleneck, that’s a little suspicious in July. Put a quarter in the freezer until it is freezing cold (10-20 minutes). Then apply the quarter to your hickey for 30 minutes. Repeat this every two hours. A hickey is a bruise, which is a cluster of broken blood vessels. By applying a freezing quarter (or for a bigger hickey use a spoon) to the hickey, you are restricting the blood vessels from moving apart (creating the bruise), and reducing swelling.
Bye Bye Flakes
The snow on your shoulder isn’t cutting it anymore? Put two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the vinegar over your entire scalp, and depending how bad your dandruff is, keep the vinegar in for 15 minutes to three hours. After your scalp is done soaking, shampoo and condition as normal. Dandruff is caused by clogged pores and a high imbalance of pH levels on your scalp (imbalanced pH levels can be caused by using multiple hair products). The vinegar balances the pH levels and helps to clear pores on your scalp, leaving your scalp moisturized and no more dandruff.
Clean Shave
You have a big first date tonight and your stubby leg hair isn’t going to get you a second date. You also ran out of shaving cream last week and don’t have time to run to the store. A great substitute for shaving cream is conditioner. Conditioner is thick like shaving cream, and is made to work with hair. Conditioner also moisturizes as you shave, leaving your legs smooth, and getting that second date.
Super Quick Fixes That Take Absolutely No Time
Greasy hair? Small amount of baby powder will soak it up!
Out of eye liner? Wet an angled brush and use black eye shadow!
Oily skin at school? Use a toilet cover to soak up that excess oil!
Hair has no volume? Go into the bathroom and use a hair dyer (or a hand dryer if in public!) with your hair upside down to add extra volume!
Eyelash curler not working like it used to? Run it under super hot water for 30 seconds, then curl your lashes! (Works like a hair curler would)