Well, it's about the time for all of us students to go back to school, whether it be grade school or college. August is a very stressful month for all students. School supplies, new clothes and meeting new friends, but for upcoming college freshman, all of these stresses are amplified about 100 notches. These are a few things that students that are about to start their life in college are all asking themselves.
"Am I going to get along with my roommate?"
For most college freshman, moving to college is the first time they are living on their own. But wait: there's more! You won't be just be living on your own, but also sharing an extremely small space with a total stranger! Sounds scary, right? It's actually a good thing to have a roommate so you have someone to be with you at a place you are unfamiliar with. Most likely you will become best friends with them, but it's still a question freshmen stress about.
"How am I going to decorate my dorm room?"
This goes for both genders, but I think mostly us girls stress about this. I don't know about you, but I spent hour trying to find the right room decor and I feel like I won't even use half of it. It is important to make your room feel comfortable because it is going to be your home away from home, but it isn't really that big of a deal.
"Am I the only one that is totally scared to live on my own?"
No, you are not the only one. Most other freshmen are just as scared, whether they admit it or not. It is your first time being on your own; for most of us, the first time really taking care of ourselves without any help from our parents. It is a big deal, but it won't be as scary once you get there. You will have loads of fun being on your own, even though you may ask mom for advice once in a while.
"Will I really gain the freshman 15?"
Well, this depends on how you eat and exercise, but most likely you will gain some weight. Just because you will be stressed to your max and can only afford junk food and no time to go the gym (or are just too lazy to). Don't let this discourage you, because it can be lost and is not the worst thing in the world! Every other freshman will be going through the same thing.
Even though we have all of these questions and are scared out of our minds, we will turn out just fine. You go to college to learn, and not just in the classroom. You learn to take care of yourself, be on your own, be responsible and enjoy life.
It's great that you learn all of these things, but the most important thing is that you will find yourself. You won't have to try to "fit in," like in high school. You can be yourself and not worry about your social life.
So, incoming freshman, enjoy it! I know I will.