I've been vegan for almost a year now, and if I could change one thing about my life I would have become vegan earlier. Not only do I feel physically better, I also feel better knowing that no animals were harmed in the process of making anything I eat. Even though veganism is on the rise, many people don't understand what it entails. Here are a few things that I've been asked and have heard since going vegan.
1. "Don't you miss ice cream?"
2. "I tried being vegan once. It lasted X hours."
I have no words for this one. 'A' for effort?
3. "Why'd you do it?"
Personally, I'm vegan for the planet, for animals, and for my own health. Who could hurt something as cute as these little goats?
4. "So do you only eat, like, salads?"
No! I've been able to modify every recipe I've come across to make it vegan. The only difference is that it's cruelty-free and maybe a little healthier. Just look at these vegan pancakes my friend made the other day.
5. "How do you get enough protein?"
Tofu, black beans, quinoa, nuts and nut butters, soy milk, green peas, lentils, tempeh, chia seeds ... I could go on forever! It's easier to get protein as a vegan than you'd think.
6. "But, bacon!"
But look how cute these pigs are when they're alive!
7. "Mmm, this (insert non-vegan food) is so yummy! Doesn’t it look delicious? Want to try it?"
This is probably what I would do to someone if someone ever sarcastically said this to me. I understand if you forget that I'm vegan and ask, but if you're being an a**hole this just might happen.
8. "Would it be weird if I ate this burger in front of you?"
You don’t even have to ask me. I don’t mind what you eat in front of me! I mind when you either try to make me eat it or taunt me with it.
9. "Can you not be vegan for like one day?"
This is like asking someone if they can not drink water for a day. It's a lifestyle, not a choice I change on the daily.