Being an only child for approximately 20 years, I can confidently say that I'm an expert on the struggles most only children face on a daily basis. For those of you blessed with siblings who have never experienced any one of these issues, let me explain the struggle to you.
1. "Oh you're an only child? I'm so sorry!"
First off, why are you sorry for me? That's like saying, "oh, you have a completely normal life? I'm so sorry!" You sound dumb. There's nothing to be sorry for me about, I'm not devoid of emotion or something because I don't have siblings. I promise I'm fairly normal, nothing to be sorry about.
2. "Don't you wish you had siblings?"
I love when people ask this because they act like I somehow have control over this situation. And the answer to this differs depending on who you ask, personally I hate being asked by random strangers. That's kind of a personal question, whether you realize it or not. So unless we're bff's, I'd avoid this one.
3. "Don't you get lonely?"
Um... No. No I don't. One of the benefits of being an only child is I'm used to not having people around me 24/7 and I'm incredibly independent because of it. So no, I'd actually rather be by myself than with people sometimes, and I have friends I can call when I want to be around people.
4. "Could your parents not have kids? Is that why?"
I literally just gawked at the first person who asked me this. Like, who do you think you are? No, they just were trying to have a perfect kid, and it happened to only take one try.
5. "What's that like, being an only child?"
It's like being a normal child... I don't really understand what you're getting at here.
6. "Your parents really spoil you, huh?"
Let me explain this to you. If you've ever taken a business class ever, you'd understand that having two car payments means you can't buy as nice of cars, because you'd have to pay for both payments. If you only had one car payment to make, you can buy a nicer car. This applies to children as well. Having two kids means you need two backpacks, two wardrobes, etc. Having one kid means you only have to pay for one, meaning you can spend more. They're not spoiling me, it's just how the financial side of things works out.
7. "Don't your parents just give you whatever you want?"
Oh my gosh, I wish that's how it worked! I've been given an allowance from grade school up until I got my first job that was to be used for anything I didn't absolutely need. If I wanted new clothes, I had to buy them. If I wanted a new stuffed animal, I had to save up and buy it. It was a struggle to convince my mom I needed new basic T-shirts sometimes. So please don't assume I've been handed everything on a silver platter my whole life.
8. "Aren't your parents kinda strict?"
Well yes, they only have one kid. They were just trying to make sure I didn't end up a hot mess by the time I was an adult. I feel like that's a fair goal. And honestly, looking back, I'm really glad they were.
9. "Do you get more presents for holidays?"
Actually, I really don't know about this one. A lot of my friends growing up got more or equal to what I got around the holidays. So I'm gonna go with not really on this one.
10. "How was your childhood growing up without siblings?"
Are you my psychiatrist? Why are you asking me about how good or bad my childhood was? But just so you know, it was fantastic, thanks for asking.
11. "So it only took one try for your parents to get the perfect kid, huh?"
You're damn right.
Of all the ridicule and awkward questions I've been asked over the course of my childhood, I still wouldn't change it for anything. I loved growing up with my parents' sole attention, as conceited as that sounds, it was really nice to have that kind of support. I'm also thankful to be an only child because of how independent it has made me. I can generally get things done on my own, and if not, I'm used to asking others for help when I need it. All that being said, please don't ask any only children these questions, we hate them.