Coming back to campus and meeting people is so refreshing, but the same questions can get old. Here are a few questions to ask me instead of asking my name, hometown, age and major.
1. What is your favorite thing about your home town?
2. Who is your best friend and why?
3. What is your favorite color and why?
4. What's the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?
5. What item of yours do you love the most?
6. Surfing or skiing?
7. What is your favorite show?
8. What is your favorite thing on campus?
9. Are you in any clubs?
10. Would you rather be hot or cold and why?
11. Do you play sports?
12. What is your favorite book or author?
13. How would your friends describe you?
14. What would you like to be known as?
15. Do you have any fears?