I think it is fair to say that everyone has a show that they love, and have binge-watched at least once. For me, that show is "Grey's Anatomy," and I binge watched it for the first time during my freshman year of college. Since then, I have watched it over and over and watched the new seasons as they have come on TV. I cried through the deaths of O'Malley, and Derek, and I have laughed with the twisted sisters throughout. The new season premiered on September 27th, and after seeing the teaser trailer, I have questions.
1. What happened with Meredith and DeLuca?
We all saw that smug look he gave her in the trailer! WHAT IS GOING ON?!
2. How is Owen doing with baby Leo, who he adopted?
There aren't many things that I like to look at more on my TV more than Owen Hunt holding a cute baby.
3. Are Amelia and Owen still a thing?
Last season ended on a really weird note with Amelia mentoring Leo's bio mom, and Owen parenting Leo. I just want to know, is this exactly what they needed for them to get back together.
4. WHY is Teddy back?
I have had a love/hate relationship with Teddy, and right now I am at a hate. WHY is she back, and WHY is she pregnant?
5. Who is this new self appraised "Ortho God" and does he expect to be better than Callie Torres?
The question says it all. Sit down, be humble new guy.
I feel like this season premiere as not been as advertised as much as others in the past have been, and maybe that means that the show will be winding down to its end soon. Considering I still need answers and happy-ish endings for a lot of these characters.