With the school year quickly coming to a close, there are five questions many freshmen are asking themselves.
1. Should I go out with friends or stay in and sleep?
GO OUT! You will have time over the summer to sleep in and be lazy, but now is the time to go out and make your final memories with your friends until you disperse for an entire summer. Most of your friends will be scattered throughout the country, some even out of the U.S., so go have fun! Just remember that with the approaching exams week coming up don’t go too carefree.
2. How am I going to survive exams week?
Just like first semester, it’ll be rough and all-nighters will be pulled, but you’ll make it. Things to think about during Exams Week: 1) The Netflix series will still be there when the week is over so, for once you should actually study when you say you will. 2) You’re only a Freshmen so DO NOT stress out too much, because there will be plenty of time for that Junior and Senior years.
3. Where will I live next year?
Who knows! You very recently filled out your housing application, and its not the end of the world if you don’t get your first choice. As long as your room is bigger than Harry Potter’s room in the first movie and, fingers crossed, your roommate isn’t Voldemort, you should be fine. Enjoy your summer, don’t rush moving back in before you even move out.
4. How will I ever manage to get all this stuff in my dorm room back home?
You managed to move all of it in, there has to be a way to move all of it out. And this is about the time when you start to ask yourself whether all those trips to the thrift shop were worth it now that you have about twice as many clothes as you did when you first moved in. Just breathe, you’ll get everything back home one way or another.
5. What will being home again feel like?
AMAZING. It’ll take time to adjust back to actually having someone telling you what to do, but I guarantee that as soon as you have your first home-cooked meal it’ll make you so happy to be back home. The first time you see your best friends again will bring so many laughs and smiles just thinking about all the shenanigans you guys will be getting into over the next few months that you're back together. Just remember your parents have missed you more than anyone has, even if they won’t admit it.
So to all my fellow Freshmen as our first year of college comes to an end, what a year it has been. Through all the stress, tears, all-nighters, laughs and smiles we’ve made it to end of the first leg of our great college race. Have an amazing and rejuvenating summer and hopefully all of us continue on in our great race in the Fall.