Let me tell you guys and gals a little bit about my marriage. I've been married for less than two months, and everyone seems to have questions for me all of a sudden. Don't get me wrong, some aren't so bad, but others...
Here are just a few questions I've received lately:
Q: How long have you guys been together?
This one is innocent enough. August will make six years for us, and December 21, 2018, will be one year of marriage! It does feel like an eternity sometimes though, especially when we're grumpy.
Q: What is the best part of being together?
As nauseatingly sweet as this is, it's true. There's no pressure for us to be anyone other than ourselves. We can be in the same room, doing different things, and be perfectly happy.
Q: When did you know that he was the one?
It was like a fairy tale where you meet the prince and he immediately... showed me respect. Not only did he help me regain my self-confidence, but he showed he a significant level of respect. There were plenty of times we could have gotten married, but I wanted to put school first and he waited. Dealing with literal and mental distance showed me that we were both willing to put work into more than dating.
Q: How did you meet?
Q: How does a long-distance marriage work?
The same way any marriage works: with trust, respect, and communication.
I hope this gives you guys just a few things to consider when it comes to getting married!