I am about to start my last year of college, and getting asked annoying college-related questions is something I'm no stranger too.
However, as a rising senior, there are some questions that are particularly annoying to hear. Here are a couple of them:
1. "So you're basically just coasting at this point, right?"
You’re crazy if you think I’m gonna coast through a $60,000 a year investment.
2. "How proud are your parents?"
Ask me again when I move out of their house and I get a job that pays enough for me to pay them back.
3. "Can you believe that you're graduating already?
No I can’t, and as much as I complain about how stressful college is I really don’t want to be reminded every five minutes that’ll be leaving the home I’ve had for 4 years.
4. "Did you enjoy your time in college?"
1. It's not done yet, 2. do you really care?
5. "Are you exciting to finally go of into the real world?"
Am excited to enter one of the most competitive job markets in history in a terrible economy with thousands of dollars in student loans? Thrilled.
6. "Are you going to move back home after college or get your own place?"
I don't know.
7. "Are you going to grad school?"
I don't know.
8. "What job do you want after college?"
I DON’T KNOW! I know I should know these things by now but I don’t and constantly being asked is annoying as hell doesn't help me figure it out.
9. "What's your major?"
If you don't know by now, its too late to ask.
And last but not least,
10. "What are you going to do with that?"
When I finally get my diploma, I’m gonna beat you with it for asking me that question.