The other day my friend and I were talking in the car about what happiness means to us. We first talked about how we thought happiness meant looking good. Having an education, a good career, financially stable, fit, and a good smile. I am not going to blame anyone for this idea of a good life, because whoever taught me this had the best intentions. Those are all safe ways to make sure happiness comes to you. Here I am again, talking about the cheesy topic on how I believe that satisfaction comes from within.
I just think it is something that is so neglected. Our own minds can either be our best friend or our worst enemy. Sometimes you can just be sitting in your room and one thought will either make your day brighter or it will make it worse. I wonder if this life that I have built around me is truly something that I have built. We all want to make our parents proud, we all want a secure sense of our self. I think this can only be done if you learn how to control your mind.
I do not care who you are, not one soul does not have a mind that gets them feeling certain ways. This is almost hard to write about because I almost feel like I should be grateful for where I am in my life, and I am, but because I am human, I want to make sure. This is what I want right? Not what my parents want? Not what will get me the most instagram likes? If you are doing what you love you will know. Question it, make sure that you are taking your feelings into consideration. They matter, even though we might live in a society that tells us our feelings make us week. They will not help you make the money, they will make you emotional. I have some beef with the people who have the most power.
You would think they are the people you can trust. unfortunately they might be the ones we have to protect ourselves from. Messages our sent to us every day. Whether we know it or not. Music, images, advertisement, words, these are all things that we might check into on social media or our television. We have no control of what will might see, yet we watch it anyway. It is always good to know whats going on in the world, but sometimes the subjects are irrelevant and instill fear. I still have a tiny theory that fear is used to control, but I do not want to sound crazy.
These are points that make me question everything. Everything you do, eat, say, consume, you should question it. wonder why you do it, or why you think you need it. This will help you tremendously because you start to become aware, and this is the key to satisfaction.