5. What kind of woman is Ruby Sheridan? | The Odyssey Online
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6 Questions We Still Have After 'Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again'

Some things just don't add up Donna.

6 Questions We Still Have After 'Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again'

"Mamma Mia," as well as its sequel, "Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again," are both, in my opinion, classics. From the three love stories, all of which I would've been okay with working out, to the inseparable bond of friendship, and of course, the iconic songs, "Mamma Mia" gave us a movie and a story like no other.

However, both movies left us with a couple of burning questions that I still want some answers to.

1. How did Donna die?


Spoiler alert, Donna died. We don't know how, we just know that in the beginning of the sequel, Sophie and the rest of the cast are both coping with the loss and rebuilding Donna's life work. However, we'll never know how she actually passed away.

2. Did Sky and Sophie get married or no? 


In the first movie, Sky and Sophie are planning to get married, but at the end though, they decide not to and to go travel the world. However when we find them in the sequel, they're in two parts of the world. At the conclusions of the movie, although the lovers make up, we still don't know if they're married or not.

3. What kind of guy is Harry, really?


Harry. Sweet Harry. To seem like such a simple guy he apparently has lots of sides. Portrayed in the second movie as a pure, shy guy who loves Donna fully, he's also portrayed in the second movie as "Headbanger Harry," so when did I miss this side of the story Harry?

4. What happened to Sam's kids?


Although in the first movie Sam and Donna spark their love back and get married on the island that they both love, Sam originally left Donna for another woman who he got married to. In the movie he states that he has kids and he is divorced, but did he just leave his kids aside to take on this new lifestyle?

5. What kind of woman is Ruby Sheridan? 


Okay Ruby (Cher). Who are you really? In the first movie, Donna's mother is spoken of as a strict Catholic woman who disapproved of Donna's every action. However, when she makes her grand appearance at the end of round two, Donna is Cher and a flashy singer. How do we go from strict Catholic to boujee, Ruby?

6. How was Donna the Valedictorian of Oxford if she was kissing teachers?


In the beginning of the sequel, we watch the glorious graduation of Donna and her friends from Oxford, and they perform a song about kissing teachers. So Donna is beautiful, smart, and talented? She must have it all.

Despite all of these burning questions I and many want answers to, "Mamma Mia" is undoubtedly the duo of musical movies for the ages. If you haven't seen it, grab your girls and go sing along to the most iconic story about love, but also about powerful, independent women I've ever seen. You go Donna.

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