Ah, education. We all need it- or so our future employers say, so we're forced to jump into a path that is destined for the rest of our lives at just 18 years old. Surely our minds would not change in 4 years. 22-year-old us has the same hopes and dreams as 18-year-old us, right?
Which is why, 6 years later, I have decided to scratch my $50,000 a year 4-year Bachelor degree, and start over again in hopes of pursuing a certificate in teaching. Exciting stuff, right? Why not rack up more debt?
Except I feel different this time around. I am surrounded by a new flock of people. I am no longer the jock who gets to show up in sweatpants and miss every other Wednesday due to traveling for away games. I am the new chick. With a new agenda. A new campus. A new curriculum. A whole new world, Aladdin.
So what are some of the questions that accompany being an adult learner heading back to school amidst the youngin's?
1. Will they notice my age difference?
I don't think I look older than everyone...or is it completely obvious? Are they staring at me? Could I be their mom?
2. Is taking handwritten notes still a thing?
Or are laptops the only acceptable form of note taking? Are you even taking notes on that thing?
3. Do I wear a backpack?
Does it make me look cool? or nerdy? Are there acceptable backpacks? Am I too old for a backpack?
4. Should I attempt to make friends?
Or will they look at me like this?
5. What is the new lingo?
Can I use this around campus? Should I use it to make me fit in more?
6. Do I dress up or wear sweats?
I'm older now so are sweats really the way to go everyday, or should I put just the tiniest bit of effort into my appearance? Do my jeans even fit?
7. Where are the "cool" places to hang out?
Can I mingle in the student center, or are all of the tables taken by predestined owners? Is the library the place to be? How about the cafeteria? Ah, whatever- I'll probably end up eating in the bathroom.
Will I successfully fit in on campus? Stay tuned!