Two weeks ago, my notifications list read: "Recommended for you: you." Usually these Netflix notifications get deleted by me without much thought given to all these new shows I readily miss out on, but for some reason unbeknownst to me I was intrigued by a show called "You." Plus, that day I somehow had some free time (?!?) and decided to bust out the comfy chair and earbuds and watch this show.
All I can say is wow. I never give myself the chance to watch shows all that often, but after every show that I DO happen to watch, I always wish that I would just give film the time of day. Film, as with most all art concepts, captures so beautifully some universal experience into a specific, captivating scenario. In the the case of "You," the universal experience is "faulty love" in the POV specifically of a compulsive stalker. These are seven of the questions I found myself wondering after watching the first seven episodes (because I haven't had time to finish the season yet!!).
How is Guinevere Beck so gorgeous??
Right off the bat in episode one I was in awe. Seriously. HOW can someone look that amazing through a camera lens, at every angle, and with any facial expression? I think it's because of the fact that her beauty is so natural and warm, and not "overdone" in any sense of the word. I recently rewatched the first couple of episodes with my boyfriend so that I could introduce him to this show and to the world of Netflix (sadly he doesn't have an account...) and even HE agreed, right in front of me, that she was extremely pretty. Not even mad. Actress Elizabeth Lail's parents did a fantastic job.
Why do I not hate Joe?
This sentiment is obviously intended by the show. The creators wanted to, and therefore forced their viewers to sympathize for a goddamn stalker-murderer. This is all done through the unfolding of events in Joe's perspective, getting to see all of his thoughts and (faulty) self-justifications, but justifications nonetheless. The fact that I don't want to drop kick him off a mountain even after everything he's done really makes me question if I am in good moral standing with the world or not. Don't get me wrong; consciously I know that things like peanut allergy-induced murder, stealing phones, and breaking and entering (though the "breaking" part was cleverly indirect) are extremely terrible things to do, but the way he possesses friendly, charming qualities and has quote - unquote "good intentions" makes it easier to bypass automatically marking him as a terrible person.
As a little easter egg, I loved how in a scene in episode two, little book worm Paco unknowingly eludes to the comparison between Joe and "Frankenstein." Hey Paco, Frankenstein's monster is literally standing right behind you sabotaging Benji's reputation via Twitter! Run while you can! Anyways, when talking about this book to Joe, he says: "It's cool how you get in the monster's POV. You understand why he does stuff... almost like it's justified. It's weird 'cause he's bad, but not all bad. Maybe Dr. Frankenstein's the bad one for even making him, right?" To where Joe responds: "Well, I think it's up to your interpretation." Sooo, if Dr. Frankenstein is the bad one for making him, then comparatively Joe's parents/guardians are the bad ones for raising him, which leads me to my next question...
When am I going to learn more about Joe's childhood?
I know I know, I haven't even finished the season yet, so this question (as well as many others in this article) will probably get answered in subsequent episodes, but I mean seven episodes is long enough for a main character to go without getting any sort of background debriefing! Or maybe not for this series... anyways, I feel like his childhood would explain greatly why he is who he is. There have been brief scenes where he was beaten by the owner of the bookstore, among others, but no in-depth explanation of what exactly was going on in his youth. I want answers!
Why does literally no one question or look into Benji's disappearance?
The show's quick-fix solution for Benji's absence was for him to "party his way off the grid via social media," but in the real world this doesn't happen or make sense!? Was this just the lazy way to mask a plot hole? I think yes. Is the co-founder for his soda company not confused as to why he hasn't come in to work? What about any friends and family that see him? Or even Beck, since it seems like they did see each other a good amount even though Beck didn't really want to? The police force in this version of New York City must be terrible!
How did Peach really die?
In the scene of Peach's death, all you heard was a gun shot; you weren't shown who pulled the trigger. You may be quick to think that it was Joe who killed her (for obvious reasons, since he was the one who chucked a rock at her head in the first place), but it could have well been Peach herself. It was mentioned by Beck that she has had a suicidal past, and she has had a traumatic past couple of weeks, so it is plausible that she could have been the one to end her life. The fact that they chose not to show the shooting also leads me to think that it might not have been Joe.
Why is Annika Atwater depicted as the "plus-size" character?
I don't think I'm alone in saying that don't think she is plus size at all! In all honesty, everyone in this show is relatively thin. The fact that actress Kathryn Gallagher, someone who is less thin than everyone else but still thin, was considered plus size is beyond confusing to me.
Why is the usage of social media so accurate in this show...
Lastly, this show really brings to light the adverse usages of social media and cellphones in real life, so I am more so questioning the current public discourse and not the actual show itself. In Beck's case, it distracts her from working and writing, the more important things in her life. In Joe's case, it's to find apartment addresses, pretend to be someone else, and gain information about one's daily routine. This is an extreme case of usage, however it is a very possible case given how easy it is for anyone to gather such information using social media and the internet. This, my friends, is a scary reality. A lesson should be learned from this show to password protect all devices and share minimally about your personal self on the internet.
Now, I'm going to finally watch the last three episodes. It's very long overdue. Netflix, you never cease to amuse.