Bisexuality isn’t very clearly understood, so I’ll take this moment to define it: the sexual attraction to both sexes (that’s where you get the bi for two from). That means I’m attracted to both men and women. I get asked a lot of questions and I get a lot of comments thrown my way, and honestly, I’m getting tired of hearing most of them.
1) How can you like both sexes at once?
It’s kind of like having a fairy godmother and a fairy gaymother at the same time; or like having an angel and a devil on my shoulders . . . one is distracted by nerdy boys and the other is trying to court girls wearing cargo shorts, I don’t know, man.
2) Do you like women one day and men the next?
No. I like both all the time, constantly . . . I don’t take holidays from liking either of them.
3) I would hate to date a Bisexual person, what if they get tired of dating a (enter sex here) and want to date a (enter opposite sex here) so they break up with me?
Yeah, no. That’s really super offensive. That’s like a fire fighter being afraid his girlfriend is going to leave him for a police officer. Please have more faith in the person you’re dating.
4) You’re not straight, you like women / You’re not gay, you like men
You’re definitely right, I’m neither straight not gay. If only we had a word for that . . . oh wait, we do.
5) Why don’t you just pick one?
Because I don’t like limiting myself. Why don’t you pick either cow, pig, or chicken to eat? Why do you have to have all three?
6) What if you wake up one day next to your spouse and realize you would rather be with the other sex?
Well then I probably should not have married that person. Seriously, straight people could also wake up questioning why they married someone. Your sex doesn’t matter to me (obviously).
7) So is your ultimate fantasy or goal to date a girl and a boy at the same time?
Only those of us that want a polygamous relationship (wanting to date multiple people at the same time). Personally, I only have enough energy to date one person at a time. Sorry for the let-down.
There are more, but I a lot of the questions and comments I get are on inappropriate topics (bedroom talk). Which honestly, is not something you should ask anyone. I’m not part of a freak show. If someone has legitimate questions because they are curious and don’t know, I would love to answer any questions. It’s the rude ones that get my blood boiling. Try to be considerate of people that aren’t like you.