Growing up is a time that you are going to question a lot of things that you never thought you would have to question, your faith will be one of them. Coming from a faithful background, I never thought there would be anything to make me question my faith. However, there came a time in my life where I focused on other things besides my faith and my relationship with God.
Having a relationship with a higher power, be it God or not, is very important. It can help settle your mind and give you peace in things you struggle to get through. You probably won't realize that you ever questioned your faith, until you went through a time where you asked "Why God?" And then it hit you, if you ask why too many times, how much faith do you have?
Being in a diverse environment is an amazing thing. You will learn so much from keeping an open mind and absorbing everything that is happening around you. But the downside to this is realizing that not everyone thinks the same way you do, and maybe your whole life has been a lie. People will ask "How can you believe in something that you can't see?" The answer is faith, but when your first bad life event happens, it makes you think; if there is a God, why would he put me through this? And there is that why again, the one that made you start the questioning in the first place.
So how do you get through it? Well being honest, there is no set answer in getting through it, but the first step is realizing that you are going through it. It will probably happen when you’ve hit rock bottom, when you have too much on your plate and you don’t think you can handle it much more, you will throw your hands up and probably want to scream. You will say a prayer, and then it hits up, this is what You wanted God, this is what You did you make me realize that I need You. The moment you realize that, is the moment that can change your life forever. You will feel peace that you’ve never felt before, no matter what is going on in your life. You realize you have someone who will always be there for you, with open arms and unconditional love, no matter what you do.
So how does this make your faith stronger? Well it comes from within, it comes from going through bad times and thinking you are never going to get through it, then you do. Getting through the hard time, makes you think that the next time will be easier and the time after that will be easier. That is faith working.
Take it from me, I am nowhere near perfect and definitely will not be soon. I questioned my faith and I distanced myself from God. But after coming to a realization that no matter how far away I felt from God, He never felt far away from me. His faith in my continued on, and His power will shine through me, and in realizing that, it gave me inner peace.
Questioning your faith does not mean you are a bad person, questioning happens and that is okay. It is alright to ask questions, to not believe, to think everything is going wrong. But it is important to remember, that no matter what, God always believes in you. He gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers and He would not give you anything you cannot handle. Even when you don’t believe in yourself, God always believes in you.