I recently saw this tweet:
Good fricking question. Where is this rom-com? A better question is why? Why is this not a thing happening right now? Please, just imagine it.
Jason Momoa, despite being known for playing scary-looking characters...
...is, in fact, an anthropomorphic puppy: a wonderful, environmentally conscious, anthropomorphic puppy.
Oscar Isaac is a bit on the indie side, but he's become pretty well-known recently, because of his prominent roles in the films Ex-Machina (2015), Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), and X-Men: Apocalypse (2016).
Despite this particularly dashing pose, he, too, is a socially conscious anthropomorphic puppy.Now, please imagine this anthropomorphic puppy...
...wooing this anthropomorphic puppy.
It is a glorious image, isn't it? It's definitely a glorious image in a world of media that is still very saturated with straight, cisgender, white men. Even with the increased visibility the LGBT+ community has gotten in the last decade, queer people who aren't white, cisgender men are still very underrepresented.
I don't know about you guys, but I would definitely enjoy watching a movie about an interracial queer romance between a smart, Polynesian mechanic and a snarky, Latino professor.