Let's talk about Netflix. And by that I mean let's talk about the best show Netflix has every brought us: "Queer Eye."
For those of you who are thinking "Umm... what the heck is that?" I'm here to tell you all about this life-changing and personality-altering show.
"Queer Eye" is simple: five gay men come into the lives of people who just need a little bit of a boost to get their lives on track. They're typically straight men but season 3 of the show, which was recently released on Netflix, also features a pair of a sisters and a strong, black, lesbian woman.
I know at first glance that this show can seem extremely superficial, one-dimensional and, to be frank, stupid. But "Queer Eye" is about so much more than just changing your hair and clothes and updating your house so you have a fancy new couch to sit on at the end of the day.
"Queer Eye" is all about discovering who you are and treating yourself the way you deserve to be treated. It discusses difficult topics such as gun control and homelessness for LGBTQ teens in the U.S. It's a feel-good show that reminds you that you need to take care of yourself because you are worthy and deserving.
So yes, "Queer Eye" can be a silly show that teaches you the French Tuck and some new recipes to try out in your kitchen. But it's also so much more than that. So settle down, pull up Netflix, and be ready to bawl your eyes out during season 3 because it will make you feel a lot of things.