18 'Queer Eye' Quotes That Prove The #Fab5 Are The Most Amazing Humans On Earth | The Odyssey Online
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18 'Queer Eye' Quotes That Prove The #Fab5 Are The Most Amazing Humans On Earth

They're smart, funny, and have hearts of gold.

18 'Queer Eye' Quotes That Prove The #Fab5 Are The Most Amazing Humans On Earth
Netflix / Austin Hargrave

I never watched the original "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," so when I started watching "Queer Eye" on Netflix, I was not prepared for the range of emotions I experienced. So. Many. Tears. Every. Time.

I am convinced that these five men are five of the purest, most amazing humans in the world. They put aside their fears and insecurities and go into people's homes to help them look and feel better. I think it is important to note that they are going into homes in the south.

Despite what we as a country want to believe, the south is notoriously slow to adopt progressive ideologies. So the fact that five openly gay men are willing to put themselves into situations, in places they may not be accepted, is amazing. And they do it because they have a passion for helping others.

These men change lives. They encourage people to embrace their bodies, talents, and feelings. They help people feel good about who they are now.

Of course, the Fab 5 can't go into every home in the world and shower happiness on us all (though if I ever find a genie in a bottle, this will be my first wish), we can still experience the encouraging, loving, and hilarious words of the Fab 5 from the comfort of our homes.

"You're strong, you're a Kelley Clarkson song. You got this."


- Johnathan Van Ness

"You being your true self isn't going to offend anybody. It's very unlikely that people are going to cause you an issue just because you are being yourself. And if they're concerned, that's on them. You're happy."

- Tan France

"When people build up walls, they end up keeping other people out. But they're also keeping themselves in."


- Karamo Brown

"I heard a preacher once say, 'Sometimes when you're feeling buried, you're actually just planted.'"

- Bobby Berk

"What I've learned is that living in public life... it's impossible to have everybody like you. No matter what you do."


- Antoni Porowski

"When people say, 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks,' it's not true, because you can reinvent yourself and learn new things whenever you want." 

- Johnathan Van Ness

"If my gay black ass from the South could do it, your ass can do it. So, just believe in yourself."


- Karamo Brown

"Style is not fashion. Fashion is not trendy after a season. I couldn't give a sh** about fashion. Style is dressing the way that you feel confident and what is appropriate for you, your age, body type."

- Tan France

"How you take care of yourself is how the world sees you. It's OK to have a relationship with yourself."


- Johnathan Van Ness

"Don't let that fear hold you. Don't let it hold you any more."

- Karamo Brown

"I want my partner to look at me and think I respect them enough to make an effort."


- Tan France

"I'm sending this memo to every guy in the world. Making an effort with your wardrobe doesn't mean you're a wuss. Making an effort means you're serious about the life you want."

- Tan France

"Confidence is sexy. Knowing who you are is sexy."


- Johnathan Van Ness

"I never want people to think they are not gay enough, or straight enough. It's so much more about what is in your heart."

- Johnathan Van Ness

"I experienced the hate and the ignorance, and it's scary. I started getting older and refusing to accept that. And refusing to accept the kind of chains that I've been having my whole life. I just wanted to be free."


- Bobby Berk

"You can't selectively numb feelings. So if you try to numb the vulnerability, you also numb the joy, happiness, connection. You can't have connection and joy and happiness without vulnerability." 

- Johnathan Van Ness

"I'm never massively concerned about what somebody is wearing, as long as it makes them feel really good about themselves."


- Tan France

"Being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of strength. It shows you are in tune with yourself, which is the sexiest thing to men or women."

- Karamo Brown

These five men truly have everyone's best interest at heart. They are kind, considerate, confident, and caring. They go out of their way and out of their comfort zones to help others embrace who they really are.

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