It's one of the best days of your life. You've walked across the stage, gotten your diploma, and now you're ready to head to college and experience your first real taste of freedom. That's about how you feel when you graduate, right? Or, if you're anything like me, you felt like throwing a one-man dance party to celebrate your being done with high school.
Kind of like that. So you've graduated. Now what? It's time to get packing for school! When you're packing for school, you make sure to pack all the essentials. It's important that you don't forget a single thing. Unless you have a car. If you have a car on campus with you, go ahead and forget something. You can go buy a replacement.
Once you're all packed up, it's move-in day! You move in, and everything's great. Your room looks amazing, you have a decent roommate, and you're all set. Now it's just time to say goodbye to the family that came with you.
Monday morning rolls around and it's your first day of classes. And, lucky you, you've lucked out and don't have one at 8 a.m. Unfortunately, for some of your new classmates, they didn't get so lucky and probably look a little bit like this:
Although, that will be you at some point. Everyday. College is exhausting. You learn that rather quickly.
Once you get past your first few weeks of school, you're exhausted (see, told you). And broke. You're also probably super sick of the cafeteria food and are ready for some home-cooked meals again. That money you've got on your school I.D. only go so far when you're desperate for some decent food. Unfortunately, you can't go home yet, but you check your mailbox and see you've gotten a package! It's your first package that you've gotten while at school and you open it to see some of your favorite snacks and then a couple of gift cards to some restaurants nearby. You're thanking your lucky stars for that one.
Since you got an amazing care package, you now have enough energy and food to make it to midterms. You're in a pretty peppy mood for the next few weeks. But you wake up one morning to a text from one of your new friends and classmates that asks if you've turned in your paper yet. You look a little like this at first because you're pretty sure there wasn't a paper anyway:
And then you look a little like this after you check your planner and the to-do list you made:
After all, you're positive you checked everything, like, seventeen times! So you check the syllabus, see that you do indeed have a paper due by 5 p.m. that day, and get ready to write this paper as fast as you can. Lunch with your friends? Forget that.
You swear you've learned your lesson, but then instead of forgetting about things, you just procrastinate for days on end. It's fine though, right? You get them done and that's what matters. Your friends do the same thing--only, they were out the night before doing whatever it is that, well, most college kids do.
Let's hope they don't have an exam the next morning, right?
So, after midterms, you take a breather because you're almost done with your first semester! It's been a long few weeks, and you can't wait to take a break. It just so happens that it's time for fall break. You pack up your bags, make sure your parents are on their way, and get ready to enjoy a much needed--and earned--break. And don't worry, the rest of the semester will be a breeze. Maybe.