I most definitely receive judgement for openly and passionately loving Disney's Frozen Queen, Elsa. But quite honestly, I couldn't care less. I don't love Elsa because she's pretty or because she's royal. I love Elsa because at first, she was afraid to be her true self. Like many of us, she was taught to 'conceal and don't feel' from a very young age. Sadly, this lead to embarrassment and extremely low self-confidence. However, after a breakthrough moment that took pure strength and bravery, she broke through her own barriers of self-doubt. Through this iconic 'Let it Go' scene (that we all know and love), Elsa realized how pointless it was to let the fear of other people's opinions affect the way she lives. She was now able to embrace how special she was, and finally understood that her quirks make her charmingly unique!
Not only does Elsa NOT need any man or any relationship to be satisfied, she learns to find the value and love in our family and friends. All of us are often guilty of taking our loved ones for granted sometimes, and Elsa merely reminds us that family is more important than any man you'll ever meet!
Elsa is one of the only iconic Disney females to represent self-love. She doesn't let what others do or say affect her. I am an avid Disney fan myself, but I feel as if the other princesses fail to be suitable icons for today's generation. It's important for young girls and boys to realize that beauty is more than just silky hair and a shiny crown. Little girls everywhere idolize Elsa. Maybe they just love her because her hair is beautiful and her ice castle is enchanting. But either way, one day, these little girls will struggle with some sort of self-love or body image issues. When that time comes, they will remember the little girl inside of them who admired Elsa's assertiveness and self-love.
Most importantly, Elsa has taught me to love myself and to accept myself. Over the years, I have struggled to feel comfortable in my own skin. I don't hide the way I feel anymore. As I ventured off to college, I did not forget to bring along my miniature Elsa statue. It sits proudly on my desk, and keeps me company while I work. The way Elsa was able to overcome all of these adversities is truly inspiring. I am eighteen years old and am not ashamed that I still consider her an amazing role model.