I have now officially been quarantined in my house for twenty-five days and have been taking my college classes online for the past week and a half. One lesson I have learned for these crazy times thus far is that even if I am stuck in my house with nothing to do besides homework, I will find a way to do anything BUT my homework. I've found some pretty interesting ways to entertain myself and procrastinate.
1. Log into your old Webkinz account
What better way to escape from the real world than through some childhood nostalgia. I was absolutely FLOORED when I was able to remember my login and access my Webkinz account from 2008. Mark my words, I WILL get that LEGENDARY Crown of Wonder from the Curio Shop before I am out of quarantine. If Webkinz wasn't your scene, Club Penguin is also now back online. Take some time out of your day to relive your childhood.
2. Make trendy coffee
If you are a Tik Tok addict like myself then I am sure you have seen dalgona coffee. This whipped coffee is popular South Korea and is absolutely delicious. It is essentially equal parts instant coffee, sugar, and water whipped together and served over milk. Pro tip: if you make an iced dalgona coffee with caramel sauce it tastes just like an iced caramel macchiato from Starbucks.
3. Bake something
So far during quarantine my family and I have made homemade cupcakes, banana bread, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, etc. Baking is a fun way to pass the time and there is nothing better than a homemade baked good fresh out of the oven.
4. Mindlessly scroll between the same apps for hours at a time
We are all guilty of it. Switching from Snapchat, to Instagram, to Tik Tok or Facebook every five minutes for hours on end and still being shocked when there are no new notifications.
5. Avoiding any and all responsibility
I absolutely DREAD having to wake up and check my email and Blackboard every morning. More often than not I check them and never actually reply to any emails or get any assignments done.
6. Watch an UNGODLY amount of Tik Tok
I can't be the only person who has scrolled through Tik Tok for 5+ hours while trying to write an essay. I downloaded the app as a joke and now I am addicted.
7. Thought about doing homework
I've sat in bed for hours on end thinking about how pretty I could make my psychology notes look but never actually started doing them.
8. Tried to solve the disappearance of Don Lewis
If you haven't watched Tiger King on Netflix yet you are seriously missing out. Everyone and their mother now know about the rivalry between Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin. However, the REAL question is did Carole kill her second husband and feed him to the tigers? Or did he just disappear? The docuseries has actually brought so much attention to this unsolved case that it is now possibly going to be reopened.
9. Trying to decide what to watch on Netflix
I can spend hours scrolling through Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney +, etc. and still not find anything to watch. I usually end up getting incredibly overwhelmed by the wide selection and just re-watch a movie or series.
10.Binge watch true crime shows and horror movies
Binge watching an enormous amount of horror, true crime, and science fiction is almost comforting in these trying times. Somehow watching all these terrifying shows and movies make me feel better about and distracts me from the current state of things.